i developed jsp page..in it i need to modify the elements ..for that i used beans to store already existing values and if i call the jsp page by using EL it should take the existing values and do modifications...im getting for textboxes but im not getting for textarea..can any one suggest me how to do..here is my code...
<td></td> <td><font color="#800000" size=""><b>A-Success Message</b></font></td> <td><textarea name="actSuccessMsg" rows="1" value="${packDetails.packDetails.packMessage.actSucessMessage}"></textarea></td> <td></td> <td><font color="#800000" size=""><b>D-Success Message</b></font></td> <td><textarea name="deactSuccessMsg" rows="1" value="${packDetails.packDetails.packMessage.deactSucessMessage}"></textarea></td> <td></td>
thanks and i m waiting for the reply,
its urgent