In the series of chaos engineering articles, we have been learning to simulate various performance problems. In this post, let’s discuss how to simulate deadlock.

What is Deadlock?
Deadlock is prone in multi-threaded applications. The technical definition of a ‘Deadlock’ goes like this: Deadlock is a situation where a set of processes are blocked because each process is holding a resource and waiting for another resource acquired by some other process. Few technical definitions aren’t clear. Above definition could be one of them. :-). But here is a practical example, which may help you to understand Deadlock.

Fig1: Trains starting in the same track

Fig2: Trains experiencing Deadlock

Let’s say there is only one train track and this train track has six parts(part-1, part-2, part-3, part-4, part-5, part-6). Let’s say Train-A starts at part-1 and Train-B starts at Part-6 on the same train track at the same time. Let’s say both trains travel at the same speed. Under this circumstance, Train-A and Train-B will reach a Deadlock state when they reach part-3 and part-4 of the train track. Because when Train-A is in part-3 of the train track, it will be stuck waiting for part-4 of the track, which Train-B holds. On the other hand, when Train-B is in part-4, it will be stuck waiting for part-3, which Train-A holds. Thus, both trains can’t move forward. This is a classic Deadlock situation. Once a Deadlock happens in the application, it can not be recovered. The only way to recover from Deadlock is to restart the application.

Java Deadlock Program
Here is a sample program from the open source BuggyApp application, which generates deadlock between 2 threads.

package com.buggyapp.deadlock;
public class DeadLockDemo {
   public static void start() {
      new ThreadA().start();
      new ThreadB().start();
public class ThreadA extends Thread {
    public void run() {
public class ThreadB extends Thread {
     public void run() {
public class CoolObject {
    public static synchronized void method1() {
          try {
	    // Sleep for 10 seconds
	     Thread.sleep(10 * 1000);
          } catch (Exception e) {
public class HotObject {
   public static synchronized void method2() {
       try {
	// Sleep for 10 seconds
	Thread.sleep(10 * 1000);
             } catch (Exception e) {

You can notice the sample program contains the ‘DeadLockDemo’ class. This class has a start() method. In this method, 2 threads with the name ‘ThreadA’ and ‘ThreadB’ are launched.

‘run()’ method in ‘ThreadA‘ invokes ‘CoolObject#method1()’. Similarly ‘run()’ method in ‘ThreadB’ invokes ‘HotObject#method2()’.

If you notice both ‘CoolObject#method1()’ and ‘HotObject#method2()’ are synchronized methods. When a method is synchronized only one thread who has the lock of that object can execute that method. If another thread tries to execute the method, it will go into BLOCKED state, until the first thread completes executing the method. After entering the respective methods, both threads sleeps for 10 seconds and then continue to invoke other method i.e. ‘CoolObject#method1()’ will invoke ‘HotObject#method2()’ and ‘HotObject#method2() will invoke ‘CoolObject#method1()’.

So lets visualize what happens when above program is executed:

ThreadA acquires CoolObject’s lock.
ThreadB acquires HotObject’s lock.
ThreadA waits for HotObject’s lock.
ThreadB waits for CoolObject’s lock.
Thus both threads will end up in classic Deadlock.

How to troubleshoot Deadlock?
You can diagnose Deadlock either through a manual or automated approach.

Manual approach
In the manual approach, you need to capture thread dump from the application suffering from Deadlock. Thread dump is a snapshot of all the threads that are running in the application. It contains thread names, thread Ids, thread state, code execution path, lock level details. You can capture thread dump using one of the 8 approaches given here. Once the thread dump is captured, you need to import the thread dump from your production servers to your local machine. You can use thread dump analysis tools like fastThread, samurai to analyze the thread dumps from your local machine.

Automated approach
You can use root cause analysis tools like yCrash – which automatically captures application-level data (thread dump, heap dump, Garbage Collection log) and system-level data (netstat, vmstat, iostat, top, top -H, dmesg,…). Besides capturing the data automatically, it marries these two datasets and generates an instant root cause analysis report. Below is the report generated by the yCrash tool when the above sample program is executed:

Fig: yCrash tool pointing out the root cause of deadlock

You can clearly see yCrash reporting ‘Thread-16’ and ‘Thread-15’ suffering from Deadlock. yCrash also reports the stack trace of ‘Thread-16’ and ‘Thread-15’. From the stack trace you can notice ‘Thread-16 ‘ acquiring lock of ‘HotObject’, but waiting for ‘CoolObject’ lock. On the other hand ‘Thread-15 acquired the lock of ‘CoolObject’, but waiting for ‘HotObject’ lock. Now based on this stacktrace we know the exact code that is causing the problem.