I cant connect to the database in Eclipse though I already started the database. ( I did asadmin start-database on the cmd )
This thing shows up on my screen:
Do I need to install anything else? It's telling me something about the Apache Derby though I cant recall downloading that but I downloaded the OEPE in sun which is a pack for eclipse so maybe its in there?
Or did I put anything wrong when setting up the properties in my glassfish?
If anyone needs it, heres my app-properties:
#default values for the app-serverjavaee.server.name=localhost javaee.server.name=localhost javaee.adminserver.name=${javaee.server.name} javaee.server.port=8080 javaee.adminserver.port=4848 javaee.orb.port=3700 javaee.home=C:/glassfish3/glassfish appserver.instance=server javaee.jar=${javaee.home}/lib/javaee.jar javaee.server.username=admin javaee.domaindir=${javaee.home}/domains/domain1 #default values for the J2EE 1.4 app-server (for backward compatibility) j2ee.server.name=${javaee.server.name} j2ee.adminserver.name=${j2ee.server.name} j2ee.server.port=${javaee.server.port} j2ee.adminserver.port=${javaee.adminserver.port} j2ee.server.username=${javaee.server.username} # application client container client.jar.dir=client-jar ac.jar=appClient.jar # default properties for the javadb database # # db.home defines where the database needs to be created # which is different from db.root # db.delimiter=; db.home=${javaee.home}/javadb db.root=${db.home} db.driver=org.apache.derby.jdbc.ClientDriver db.datasource=org.apache.derby.jdbc.ClientDataSource db.port=1527 db.sid=sun-appserv-samples db.user=APP db.password=APP db.jvmargs=-ms16m -mx32m db.url=jdbc:derby://${javaee.server.name}:${db.port}/${db.sid};create=true; db.vendorname=SQL92
Hope someone can help me with this. c: