This seems a bit more like an issue with the DB you are using (which I'm not familiar enough with to give advice - perhaps try their help or a db specific forum). There might be alternatives on the client side: for example loading the data more 'lazily'...only let the client load data that you need for that moment (rather than pulling it all out in one shot). This will shorten the transactions and allow multi-client access (use things like LIMIT to select just what you need). Of course this will depend upon what you need and might not be an option. Another alternative would be to move to a more flexible and lower level db system where you can more readily control these parameters (postgres, mysql, oracle - most large data db's I've seen, used, and heard of use one of these big 3 - some database admin's I know would cringe at the thought of using MSAccess as it is built more for single person use rather than multi-user or enterprise use)