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Thread: Database settings (username and password)

  1. #1
    Junior Member
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    Default Database settings (username and password)

    I have a problem changing the settings for MySQL database username and password...
    wonder if anyone could help me out finding and possibly change the username and password for me?

    i want to change it to :-
    username : root
    password : 1234

    you can get the files to my system here:-


    Thanks in advance for your help.

  2. #2
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    Default Re: Database settings (username and password)

    Did you try google? First hit: MySQL Change root Password. As a side note, if you are accessing your database as root by default, it is better practice to create a user with the desired permissions and access via that user account.

  3. #3
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    Default Re: Database settings (username and password)

    Perhaps I'm not being clear in my initial post.
    It's not that I want to change my database's username and password.
    I want to change the system's database connection settings. In this case, its the username and password used to connect to the database I'm using now, MySQL.

    Do forgive me for the confusion that arises from my initial post.

  4. #4
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    Default Re: Database settings (username and password)

    Quote Originally Posted by palooza View Post
    Perhaps I'm not being clear in my initial post.
    It's not that I want to change my database's username and password.
    I want to change the system's database connection settings. In this case, its the username and password used to connect to the database I'm using now, MySQL.

    Do forgive me for the confusion that arises from my initial post.
    It's still not clear whether u want the settings to be changed at the mysql level or program level. would be better if you post ur code

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