Its true we can write your assignment for you, but you will learn nothing, and your programs are only going to become harder.
If reading the assignment is scaring you, stop what you are doing and go for a short 1 min break to get a snack or stretch.
Then, come back and make sure you have a piece of paper and a pen.
You will need to do what every programmer does which is trying to understand what is wanted.
Sometimes in early programming classes this is the most difficult because its exactly like reading a foreign language.
So if that is what you need help with, ask for that specifically.
(Though this may be an indication you are not absorbing the class lecture!)
If you understand what is wanted, think about it for a few minutes.
Try to understand what topic your teacher is trying to teach you.
(how to use arrays? if statements? for loops? ) once you figure that out, it will give you a bonus insight on how to write the code.
Using your pen and paper, write out the steps your program has to complete in non code form.
then go through your steps by reading them writing down some notes of what your different variables are doing.
E.G. "okay, at this point my int array(AKA int[]) called numbers has a 3 then a 4 then a 7" you would probably write this as: numbers = (3,4,7)
Repeat this until you are happy you are taking all the needed steps. (this is called pseudo code, and you will get better and faster at it)
this helps you keep track of what your program does with information.
now the fun part! try to code it!
once you finish trying, if you still cant make it, come back and post your code with specific questions.(using a question mark actually helps us!)