Can You please help me in this:
I need to count the number of each value in non fixed array
for example
3 times the word 'java' exist
4 times the word 'programming' exists and etc
Many Thanks
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Can You please help me in this:
I need to count the number of each value in non fixed array
for example
3 times the word 'java' exist
4 times the word 'programming' exists and etc
Many Thanks
Use a map from string keys to integer count values. For each item in the array
(1) If no entry exists in the map for that item, create one with a value of 1
(2) If an entry does exist increment its value.
The Map Interface (The Java™ Tutorials > Collections > Interfaces)
5 minutes of programming and I get this result:
*** code removed ***
Last edited by Norm; January 4th, 2013 at 01:57 PM. Reason: spoonfed code removed.
@icool - Instead of spoonfeeding code to the OP, how about helping him learn how to program so he can write his own code.
If you don't understand my answer, don't ignore it, ask a question.
Ok, I see what you mean