I did try other keys and got some other values as well; I would get the 'd' and 'a' regardless though. I read a little more in the book that I was reading and It shows how to use this loop after the original use of the read() method to prevent other key inputs:
ignore = (char) System.in.read();
}while(ignore != '\n');
"ignore" is just another char variable. From what I can tell, When I press a key and then enter, it registers 3 different values (the key I pressed, and then the 'd' and 'a'). So this loop runs through the extra values that are registered and once the last one has gone through, I assume the read() method has a '\n' (newline). so the loop exits and continues on with the program.
Am I understanding this correctly?
The book that I'm reading says that when the ENTER key is pressed, it causes a carriage return (defined as 13 Hex: 'd') and line feed (defined as 10 Hex: 'a'). So this explains why the 'd' and 'a'.
I can see how this loop can help when using the read() method. With java I started learning online (youtube and other sites), I hate the ever famous line, "Don't worry about how this works for now, just do it..." I like to understand things as I go. I think I finally understand whats going on. Thanks again for the help Norm, well appreciated!