I'm currently drawing some of the graphics in my game as 32x32 tiles, but there's a problem. The graphics that are drawn like this sometimes fail to update their position fast enough when the screen is moving, here's the relevant code:

if(objwidth>1 && objheight>1){
			for(int h=0; h<objheight; h++){
				for(int w=0; w<objwidth; w++){
					if(w==0 && h==0){
						tiletopleft.paintIcon(c, g, x-Level.sx, y-Level.sy);
					if(w==objwidth-1 && h==0){
						tiletopright.paintIcon(c, g, x-Level.sx+(w*tilesizex), y-Level.sy);
					if(w==0 && h==objheight-1){
						tilebottomleft.paintIcon(c, g, x-Level.sx, y-Level.sy+(h*tilesizey));
					if(w==objwidth-1 && h==objheight-1){
						tilebottomright.paintIcon(c, g, x-Level.sx+(w*tilesizex), y-Level.sy+(h*tilesizey));
					if(w<objwidth-1 && w>0 && h==0){
						tiletop.paintIcon(c, g, x-Level.sx+(w*tilesizex), y-Level.sy);
					if(w<objwidth-1 && w>0 && h==objheight-1){
						tilebottom.paintIcon(c, g, x-Level.sx+(w*tilesizex), y-Level.sy+(h*tilesizey));
					if(w==0 && h<objheight-1 && h>0){
						tileleft.paintIcon(c, g, x-Level.sx, y-Level.sy+(h*tilesizey));
					if(w==objwidth-1 && h<objheight-1 && h>0){
						tileright.paintIcon(c, g, x-Level.sx+(w*tilesizex), y-Level.sy+(h*tilesizey));
					if(w>0 && h>0 && w<objwidth-1 && h<objheight-1){
						tile.paintIcon(c, g, x+(w*tilesizex)-Level.sx, y+(h*tilesizey)-Level.sy);

tilesizex and tilesizey are both 32 (the width and height of the tile), w and h are the position of the tile on the current object, the tile imageIcons are the different images for the tiles.

Any suggestions on drawing them more efficiently? I'm already using volatile images and it's still happening.