I have two classes. Term, which holds two variables: coeff and power.
The second class is Polynomial. Each polynomial is an array of Terms. I did not write the constructors for the Polynomial class. I am working on some of the methods. I have successfully written a toString method, and several other methods. I believe I accomplished a normalize method, which sorts the array of terms so that they are in the right order, and then combines any like terms. However for some reason when I print after using normalize it cuts of the very last term in the array. I believe this has something to do either with a delete method I made, or a mistake I made in normalize. Other than this issue, normalize works perfectly.

I have rewritten the normalize method several times in order to get it to work, and this is the best I have come up with.

Here is the Polynomial class, if the term class is needed for complete understanding please ask and i will post that too. But I don't believe it will be necessary.

//! Please add relevant documentation
import java.util.regex.Pattern;
import java.util.regex.Matcher;
 * create a polynomial using the Term class(which represents a single term in the polynomial)
 * @author Kristen Watson
 * @version 10/20/13
public class Polynomial {
  // The polynomial is represented by an array of 'Term' instances.
  // The 'terms' array may contain extraneous cells: the relevant cells
  // are those from 0 through 'nTerms - 1'
  private Term   terms[];  // array of terms
  private int    nTerms;   // number of meaningful terms
  // default constructor: sets the instance to the zero polynomial
  public Polynomial() {
    nTerms = 0;
    terms = new Term[1];
  private Polynomial(int maxTerms) {
    nTerms = 0;
    terms = new Term[maxTerms];
  public Polynomial(Polynomial p) {
    nTerms = p.nTerms;
    terms = new Term[nTerms];
    for (int k = 0; k < nTerms; k++){
      terms[k] = p.terms[k];  
  public Polynomial( String src ) {
    // Initialize this polynomial to zero
    nTerms = 0;
    terms = new Term[1]; 
    // Setup the basic regular expressions for matching terms
    String xPatString     = "x(\\^([0-9]))?";
    Pattern termPattern = 
      Pattern.compile("\\s*(" + xPatString + ")" + "|" 
              + "\\s*([-+]?[0-9]+(\\.[0-9]*)?)[ \\s]?(" + xPatString + ")?");
    Pattern signPattern = Pattern.compile("\\s*([-+])\\s*");
    // Match a sequence of signs and terms
    Matcher matcher;  // reassigned as needed for matching the patterns
    int sign = 1;     // incoming sign from the operator
    while (true) {
      Term term = new Term();
      // The next thing in 'src' should be a term
      matcher = termPattern.matcher(src);
      boolean result = matcher.lookingAt();
      if (!result) {
          // syntax error: stop with what he have
      /* // Uncomment this to show the capture groups
       * for (int k = 0; k < 9; k++) 
       * System.out.println("group " + k + ": " + matcher.group(k));
       * System.out.println("");
      // extract the coefficient and power from the captured groups
      if (matcher.group(1) != null) {
          // group 1 contains the first alternation, which matches
        // just "x^<power>" without a coefficient
        term.coeff = sign;
        if (matcher.group(2)== null) {
            // the power is 1
            term.power = 1;
        }else {
            // the power is in group 2
            term.power = Integer.valueOf(matcher.group(2));
      }else {
          // otherwise, the second alternation matches, which has an
        // explicit coefficient but an optional "x" term
        term.coeff = sign*Double.valueOf(matcher.group(4));
        // get the exponent
        if (matcher.group(6) == null) {
            // the "x" term is omitted; take it as x^0
            term.power = 0;       
        else if (matcher.group(7) == null) {
            // the exponent is omitted, take it as 1
            term.power = 1;       
        }else {
            term.power = Integer.valueOf(matcher.group(8));
      // update the position in the input string
      src = src.substring(matcher.end());
      // add the term
      if (nTerms >= terms.length) {
          Term newTerms[] = new Term[2*nTerms];
          for (int k = 0; k < terms.length; k++){
            newTerms[k] = terms[k];
          terms = newTerms;     
      terms[nTerms++] = term;
      // If there is a "+" or "-", take it as a binary operator
      // (which indicates there is another term coming)
      matcher = signPattern.matcher(src);
      if (matcher.lookingAt()) {
          sign = (matcher.group(1).equals("-") ? -1 : 1);
          src = src.substring(matcher.end());
      }else {
  /* Simple accessors */
   * Returns the degree of this polynomial, which is the largest power
   * of all the terms.
   * @return the degree
  public int degree() {
    //! Implement
    int degree = 0;
    for(int i = 0; i < nTerms-1; i++){
        if(terms[i].power > terms[i+1].power){
            degree = terms[i].power;
            degree = terms[i+1].power;
    return degree;
   * Return true if this polynomial is zero
   * @return true or flase
  public boolean isZero() {
    //! Document and Implement
    //! (should return true if, and only if, this polynomial is zero)
    int numberZeros = 0;
    for(int i = 0; i < nTerms; i++){
        if(terms[i].coeff == 0){
    if(numberZeros == nTerms){
        return true;
        return false;
  /* Polynomial operations. */
   * Computes the polynomial sum of this polynomial and 'addend'.
   * Neither this polynomial nor 'addend' is modified.
   * @param addend polynomial to be added
   * @return a newly created Polynomial instance containing the sum
  public Polynomial add( Polynomial addend ) {
    //! It should go something like this
    // Create a new polynomial for the sum
    Polynomial sum = new Polynomial(nTerms + addend.nTerms);
    // Copy the terms of this polynomial to the new 'sum' polynomial
    int i = 0; // index of the term copied to the sum
    for (int k = 0; k < nTerms; k++) {
      sum.terms[i++] = new Term(terms[k]);
    // Append all the terms of 'addend' to 'sum' after the terms of 'this'
    for (int k = 0; k < addend.nTerms; k++) {
      sum.terms[i++] = new Term(addend.terms[k]);
    // Set the total number of terms
    sum.nTerms = i;
    // Normalize
    return sum;
  public void addTo( Polynomial addend ) {
    //! Document and implement
   // terms[i
   * Computes the polynomial difference of this polynomial and 'subtrahend'.
   * Neither this polynomial nor 'subtrahend' is modified.
   * @param subtrahend polynomial to be subtracted
   * @return a newly created Polynomial instance containing the difference
  public Polynomial sub( Polynomial subtrahend ) {
    //! Implement;
  public void subFrom( Polynomial subtrahend ) {
    //! Document and Implement
   * Computes the polynomial product of this polynomial and 'multiplier'.
   * Neither this polynomial nor 'multiplier' is modified.
   * @param multiplier polynomial to multiply by
   * @return a newly created Polynomial instance containing the product
  public Polynomial mul( Polynomial multiplier ) {
    //! Implement
  public void mulBy( Polynomial multiplier ) {
    //! Document and Implement
   * Computes this polynomial raised to the power 'power', which is the
   * polynomial product of 'power' copies of this.
   * @param power power to which this polynomial is raised (assumed to be
   *              nonnegative)
   * @return a newly created polynomial instance containing the power
  public Polynomial pow( int power ) {
    //! Implement
    Polynomial returnable = new Polynomial(nTerms);
    for(int i = 0; i < nTerms; i++){
      returnable.terms[i] = terms[i];  
    if(power > 0){
        for(int i = 0; i < nTerms; i++){
            returnable.terms[i].power = (returnable.terms[i].power)*power;  
    return returnable;
   * Compares this polynomial and 'poly'.  The return is true if they
   * are equal as polynomials, and false otherwise
   * @param poly polynomial instance to which this is compared
   * @return true if the polynomials are equal, and false otherwise.
  public boolean equals( Polynomial poly ) {
    //! Implement
   * delete term[index] from array and shift all terms following it to the left
   * @param index
  public void delete(int index){
      if(index < 0 || index >= nTerms){
          System.out.println("Error deleting term from array");
      for(int i = index; i < nTerms; i++){
          terms[i] = terms [i+1];
  /* This method does much of the work.  In this context, a polynomial
   * is said to be "normalized" if each of the following holds
   * 1. No two cells in the 'term' array have the same power
   * 2. No cells have zero coefficients
   * 3. The 'term' cells are sorted by increasing order of power
  private void normalize() {
    //! Implement
    int highestTerm = degree(); 
    Term [] temp = new Term [nTerms];  //temporary array for sorting terms
    int tempCounter = 0;     //keep track of where terms are going into the temp[]
    int similarPower = 0;    //how many terms match the current power (p)
    int shiftingTerms = 0;   //keep track of current term while combining like terms
    int tempCoeff = 0;       //placeholder to add up coeff while combining like terms
    int numberToDelete = 0;  //how many terms need to be deleted from array
    //sort terms[] into temp[] by lowest power to highest
    for(int p = 0; p <= highestTerm; p++){
        for(int n = 0; n < nTerms; n++){
            if(terms[n].power == p){
                temp[tempCounter] = terms[n];
    //transfer temp[] back to terms []
    for(int i = 0; i < nTerms; i++){
        terms[i] = temp[i];
    //combine like terms
    for(int p = 0; p < highestTerm; p++){
        for(int i = 0; i <nTerms ; i++){ //loop though temp[] to check to similarities in power
            if(terms[i].power == p){  //if term[index].power is equal to p, increment similarPower
        if (similarPower < 1){   //similarPower == 0
        }else if (similarPower < 2){ //similarPower == 1
            shiftingTerms++;  //increment to show that we are now looking at the next array (and the next power)
        }else{ //similarPower is 2 or more, combine terms
            for(int t = 1; t < similarPower; t++){  //total up all similar terms inside the temp[takeFromTemp]
                terms[shiftingTerms].coeff = terms[shiftingTerms].coeff + terms[shiftingTerms+1].coeff;
            for(int d = 0; d < numberToDelete; d++){
        similarPower = 0;
        numberToDelete = 0;
   * Returns a string representation of this polynomial
   * @return string representation of this polynomial
  public String toString(){
    //! Implement
    String returnStatement = " ";  //holder
     for(int i = 0; i < nTerms; i++){
         //put plus/minus in before each term, how will this effect 1st term? 
             if(terms[i].coeff < 0){
                 returnStatement = returnStatement + (" - ");
                    returnStatement = returnStatement + (" + ");
         //can toString method for Term be used inside this???????????
         if(terms[i].coeff > 0){ //is constant greater than 0?
             if(terms[i].power < 2){  //if power is 1, will be just x, not x^1
                 if(terms[i].power < 1 ){ //if power is 0, no x, just the constant
                     returnStatement = returnStatement + (terms[i].coeff  );
                    }else{   //if power is 1, st coeff & x
                        returnStatement = returnStatement + (terms[i].coeff + "*x");
                }else{  //if power is greater than 2
                    returnStatement = returnStatement + (terms[i].coeff + "*x^" + terms[i].power  );
         }else if(terms[i].coeff < 0){
             if(terms[i].power < 2){  //if power is 1, will be just x, not n^1
                 if(terms[i].power < 1 ){ //if power is 0, no x, just the constant
                     returnStatement = returnStatement + (terms[i].coeff  );
                    }else{   //if power is 1, st coeff & x
                        returnStatement = returnStatement + (terms[i].coeff + "*x");
             }else{  //if power is greater than 2
                    returnStatement = returnStatement + (terms[i].coeff + "*x^" + terms[i].power  );
         }else{ //if constant/coeff is less 0
                if(terms[i].power < 2){  //if power is 1, will be just x, not n^1
                    if(terms[i].power < 1){ //if power is 0, no x, just the constant
                        returnStatement = returnStatement + (0  );
                    }else{   //if power is 1, just coeff & x
                        returnStatement = returnStatement + ("x"  );
                }else{  //if power is greater than 2
                  returnStatement = returnStatement + ("x^" + terms[i].power  );
    return returnStatement;