I have to solve this program and I don't have too much time could you please help me ..
if someone can solve it or explain it to me its will be better ..
Write a java program that calls the following methods:
1. ReadStudentsData that takes as parameters an array NAMES of String and another array SCORES of int. It should read an unspecified number of students’ scores and names. This method will return the number of students’ data read.
To stop entering data, the user must type a negative score. A valid score is a number between 0 and 100. Assume that the total number of students’ data is 10.
2. CalculateAverage takes as parameters the array SCORES and the number of students. It should calculate and return the class average.
3. AboveAverageNumber takes as parameters the array SCORES, the number of students and the average. It should determine how many scores are above or equal to the average.
4. BelowAverageNumber takes as parameters the array SCORES, the number of students and the average. It should determine how many scores are below the average.
5. BestStudents takes as parameters NAMES of String, SCORES of int and the number of students. It should determine and display the students’ names who got the best score.
6. WorstStudents takes as parameters NAMES of String, SCORES of int and the number of students. It should determine and display the students’ names who got the worst score.
thank you