Write program Lab11.java which reads integer grades until the user enters the sentinel -1. As you read the grades, store them in an integer array. You can assume each grade is on the range 0..100. Afterwards, your program:
● should sort the grades read in increasing order. Use the Bubble Sort algorithm that we covered in class to sort the grades in increasing order;
● should compute the mode, median, average, and the standard deviation σ of the grades;
● should determine how many grades fall within one standard deviation σ from the average, i.e., how many grades are in the range (average – σ)…(average + σ);
● should print the sequence of grades in increasing order.
Remember that:
● The mode is the grade that appears the most number of times.
● The median is the grade that appears right in the middle of the sequence of increasingly sorted grades.
● The average is the sum of all the grades divided by the number of grades.
●The formula for the standard deviation σ is the following:
Standard deviation σ = 1 Σ (gradei – average)2
√ n-1 i=0
where n is the number of grades.