I have spent the last 5 years next to a programmer so I did not have to know anything, everything came on a silver platter straight to my computer.
Now that the Ex is gone, to maintain my business and my website I need to learn the basics of programming. I learned how to make a website in Dreamweaver but do not know anything about programming, languages or anything.
So I started to watch youtube videos, and downloaded NetBeans to practise what they say. I found a really great video serious on Educator.com, but already at the second code, when you want to add 2 numbers, to get the sum of them, I have difficulties.
I entered everything exactly and correctly from the video to NetBeans and there are errors. Do you use Netbeans? If not what do you use?
I am kinda smiling because its been a long time I have done something I do not know anything about and being a true beginner.
I appreciate any help!