Hi everyone.
I a student who does Business Information Systems. In this course I've learned a few languages VB and Java being the main ones and we have dabbled in Javascript, PHP and PERL. I went fairly far in PHP and wrote a fairly good online ordering system with it for a project.
I consider myself fairly good at programming in general although it did take me a long time before I understood the benfits of OO. I never really touched Extends and Implements, but that's something I'm trying to rectify.
I haven't really touched Java in nearly a year and I've just been skimming through these forums to get my head back in it.
The biggest project I ever did in Java was creating a fully functional version of Conway's Game of Life and I was very happy with the results as it ran very smoothly and no-one could get it to break at the end and had lots of nice features.
I believe I will be needing Java for a few projects in the future (personal and university based), so I'm setting myself a few mini projects to work on in my spare time. At the moment I'm trying to create a poker odds calculator with a nice GUI and may move on to make some card games when I'm done with that.
Anyways that's that I'm pretty good at finding solutions to any problems online so I hopefully won't need to use this forum too much for that unless I'm really stuck. But I think helping other people who are stuck any way I can will be helpful to me aswell(I think having a class full of people who can't programme has helped my debugging alot ).
Also could anyone point me in the direction of some nice projects to do to help me along?