This is my attempt to introduce myself. I am Gary Nelson, resident of Port Townsend, WA and wish to learn JAVA as done using ECLIPSE. My goal is to contribute to PAMGUARD, a java application for Passive Acoustic Monitoring of marine mammals. I volunteer with Pacific Biodiversity Institute working on their Harbor Porpoise Project. The code is presently limited to 32-bit operation, but that seems to be no serious performance problem as I can record 8 channels at 2MHz x 16-bits with a light load on my ASUS 8-core gaming machine (acquired for this project).
I my past life I wrote much DSP code in assembly language, later Fortran Modeling of radar performance using a 6600 computer, but have no recent experience. I have studied object oriented technologies, esp for network management, but have not actually done any OOP.
I'm looking forward to this adventure.