My name is Aymen, I live in the u.k and I am 15 years old. I have been programming since I was around 10 with languages such as HTML CSS JavaScript Small basic. And until now I'm not very sure what I want to learn. I don't know whether to continue my knowledge in the web design and developing area or go into android and java developing. Any help would be very nice. I also want to make friends that I have more in common with e.g coding. I also have become very lazy, I 'bought' (torrent loool) a book on-line , Java for dummies and I also have a book at home that I actually did buy and I have done the very few steps to begin learning even the basic java techniques such as installing everything such as Eclipse etc, but I'm just too lazy constantly finding myself playing on the Xbox 360 on the PC or just watching Youtube Videos or making them. (Youtube : MinorLushy).
I would very much appreciate if anyone could give me any help on how to get my life as a programmer on track because I am not happy with the life I'm leading now.
Again I would be very interested in making friends that I could possible help to achieving their goals as well as mine.
Add me on skype: hewo101