I thought I'd join these forums to get some more in-depth understanding of whatever I've missed in Java, as a self-taught. I'm starting out as an indie game developer and I'm getting things done now. Last year, I dabbled a little in Java and started working hard at it about five-six months ago. Today, I feel like I understand the syntax and I've watched a ton of videos about programming methodology (Stanford University) and is currently following TheCherno's Game Programming series on Youtube (with a critical mind, since he seems to do less viable things here and there). I'm also looking into pixel and other visual arts, and I may do some basic sound later.
In addition to Java, I've done substantial research on game design theory (and game theory, which is something else, even though GDT does indeed extend GT (get it? )) and played/analyzed over 500+ major titles from about 3rd Generation of games (C64, NES, etc). The only problem is that I've yet to get into the industry. Let's just call it "bad luck" that I'm currently resolving.
My project atm is a 2D game (a possible Zelda-like until I flesh it out more) and generally applying what I've learned. I'm also thinking of going more into XHTML and HTML5 once I'm fluid in Java, cause I'd like to make a proper website, potentially with some (free) HTML5 browser-games in addition to my bigger downloadables. I'll learn C and C++ later, if I feel like it's needed (which it most likely is, later down the line).
Anyways, enough about me. I could've said a little about my other interests, but that's just TLR;