I am a beginner java programmer and at the moment, I am learning about the Swing package. I was just wondering if anyone could help me with the code. When I compile it, I get the following 2 errors in cmd:
b1 is already defined in pizza()
setBorder in javax swing cannot be applied to pizza ButtonListener
Thank you so much if you can be of any help,
import javax.swing.*; import java.awt.event.*; import javax.swing.border.*; public class pizza extends JFrame { public static void main(String [] args) { new pizza(); } private JButton buttonOK; private JRadioButton small, medium, large; private JCheckBox pepperoni, mushrooms, anchovies; public pizza() { this.setSize(320,200); this.setDefaultCloseOperation(JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE); this.setTitle("Order your pizza "); ButtonListener b1 = new ButtonListener(); JPanel mainPanel = new JPanel(); JPanel sizePanel = new JPanel(); Border b1 = BorderFactory.createTitledBorder("Size"); sizePanel.setBorder(b1); ButtonGroup sizeGroup = new ButtonGroup(); small = new JRadioButton("Small"); small.setSelected(true); sizePanel.add(small); sizeGroup.add(small); medium = new JRadioButton("medium"); sizePanel.add(medium); sizeGroup.add(medium); large = new JRadioButton("large"); sizePanel.add(large); sizeGroup.add(large); mainPanel.add(sizePanel); JPanel topPanel = new JPanel(); Border b2 = BorderFactory.createTitledBorder("Toppings"); topPanel.setBorder(b2); pepperoni = new JCheckBox("pepperoni"); topPanel.add(pepperoni); mushrooms = new JCheckBox("Mushrooms"); topPanel.add(mushrooms); anchovies = new JCheckBox("anchovies"); topPanel.add(anchovies); mainPanel.add(topPanel); buttonOK = new JButton("OK"); buttonOK.addActionListener(b1); mainPanel.add(buttonOK); this.add(mainPanel); this.setVisible(true); } private class ButtonListener implements ActionListener { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { if (e.getSource() == buttonOK) { String tops = ""; if ( pepperoni.isSelected()) tops += "pepperoni \n"; if ( mushrooms.isSelected()) tops += "mushrooms \n"; if ( anchovies.isSelected()) tops += "anchovies \n"; String msg = " You ordered a " ; if ( small.isSelected()) msg += "small pizza with " ; if ( medium.isSelected()) msg += "medium pizza with " ; if ( large.isSelected()) msg += "large pizza with " ; if (tops.equals(" ")) msg += " no toppings"; else msg += "the following toppings with : \n" + tops; JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(buttonOK, msg, "Your Order", JOptionPane.INFORMATION_MESSAGE); pepperoni.setSelected(false); mushrooms.setSelected(false); anchovies.setSelected(false); small.setSelected(true); } } } }