Hi! I'm afraid I'm a noob across the board. I've just recently discovered the wonderful world of Linux Ubuntu, as well as Java. I've been studying Java for about two weeks now, and am very interested in becoming proficient. This will be my first programming language, and I hope to move on to Python afterwards.
Most of my questions are going to make you *facepalm* or *headdesk*, but please bear with me. The tutorial I'm currently using is about six years old, but I find it to be very good. There are certain changes in syntax, or so I assume through various attempts at compilation. Regardless, it has taught me more than any other tutorial thus far.
"Teach Yourself Java 1.1 in 24 Hours -- Rogers Cadenhead" I intend to read more of his work, he's very funny and I find his style of teaching most effective.
Thanks in advance,