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Thread: Troubles with accessing data from outside the class.

  1. #1
    Junior Member
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    Default Troubles with accessing data from outside the class.

    Hello all... I am currently working on a program that randomly generates a 19 x 10 Array2D with one "X" bot, and 9 numbered bots scattered about the map. I am then supposed to create a separate collection (I chose ArrayList) that stores all the numbered bots, calculates their distances from the X bot, and sorts the ArrayList from closest to furthest from the Xbot. Here is my code, as well as the problems I have had thus far in the code notes above the program.

    *   Number One:  Whenever I attempt to add the newly created "NumberBots" to my ArrayList (on line 70 specifically)
    *				it throws an out of bounds exception at me. I am totally unsure as to why this is happening!!
    *			    When I initialize the Collection list, it is of size 9, so I don't understand why it is saying it
    *			    is going out of bounds.  MAybe you can shed some light on the situation after looking at the code!
    *   Number Two:  I have now organized everything into classes, so that the main is looking much better.  However, I am pretty confused as to
    *			   	how I can get the Xbot's location passed into my Collection class, so that I can execute the sorting algorithm and then print.
    *			   Specifically on lines 127 - 143.
    *			   I have methods that allow the Xbot to retrieve it's own location once I have it created, but I am unsure where to go from here.
    *			   Hopefully you have a few guiding words that will help push me towards finishing this.  Thanks!!!
    import java.util.Random;
    import java.util.*;
    class Array2DExampleAndrewBrooks1 {
    	public static void main(String args[]) {
    		Array2DCreation numbers = new Array2DCreation();
                    //sort the ArrayList
                    //print the ArrayList
    class Array2DCreation {
    	private static final int MAX_X = 19;
    	private static final int MAX_Y = 10;
    	Random random = new Random();
    	int randomInt1 = random.nextInt(MAX_X);
    	int randomInt2 = random.nextInt(MAX_Y);
    	Array2D<Bot> numbers;
    	public Array2DCreation() {
    		numbers = new Array2D<Bot>(MAX_X, MAX_Y);
    		numbers.start(0,0, Array2D.DOWN);
    	public void setBots() {
    	public void setXbot() {
    		Xbot bot1 = new Xbot();
    		bot1.setCoordinates(randomInt1, randomInt2);
    	public void setNumberBots() {
    		Collection list = new Collection();
    		for(int k = 0; k < 9 ; k++) {
    			boolean isUnique = false;
    			while(isUnique == false) {
    				int randoX = random.nextInt(MAX_X);
    				int randoY = random.nextInt(MAX_Y);
    				if(numbers.get(randoX, randoY) == null) {
    					NumberBot bot = new NumberBot();
    					bot.setCoordinates(randoX, randoY);
    					//list.add(bot.getCounter(), bot);     // THIS is the line of code that is throwing the out of bounds exception
    					numbers.set(randoX, randoY , bot);
    					isUnique = true;
    				} else {
    					randoX = random.nextInt(MAX_X);
    					randoY = random.nextInt(MAX_Y);
    	public void print() {
    		for(int i = 0; i < MAX_Y; i++) {
    			numbers.start(0, i, Array2D.RIGHT);
    				if(numbers.get() == null) {
    					System.out.print(" ");
    				} else {
    					System.out.print(numbers.get() + " ");
    				while (numbers.hasNext()) {
    					if(numbers.get() == null) {
    						System.out.print(" ");
    					} else {
    						System.out.print(numbers.get() + " ");
    class Collection {
    	List<Bot> list;
    	public Collection() {
    		list = new ArrayList<Bot>(9);
    	public void add(int index, NumberBot bot) {
    		list.set(index, bot);
    	/*public static void sortList(List<Bot> list) { //This is my failed sort algorithm as I cannot figure out how to access xbot
    			Bot tempBot;
    			for(int k = 0; k < list.size(); k++) {
    				if (calculateDistance(bot, list.get(k)) > calculateDistance(bot, list.get(k+1))) {
    					tempBot = list.get(k);
    					list.set(k, list.get(k+1));
    					list.set((k+1), tempBot);
    	public static void print(List<Bot> list) {
    		for(int i = 0; i < list.size(); i++ ) {
    			System.out.println("Numbered Bot " + (list.get(i)).toString());
    abstract class Bot {
    	private int xCoordinate;
    	private int yCoordinate;
    	abstract public String toString();
    	public void setCoordinates(int xCoordinate, int yCoordinate) {
    		this.xCoordinate = xCoordinate;
    		this.yCoordinate = yCoordinate;
    	public int getX() {
    		return xCoordinate;
    	public int getY() {
    		return yCoordinate;
    	public double calculateDistance(Bot b) {
    		double totalDistance = 0;
    		int xDifference;
    		int yDifference;
    		if(xCoordinate > b.getX()) {
    			if(yCoordinate > b.getY()) {
    				xDifference = (xCoordinate - b.getX());
    				yDifference = (yCoordinate - b.getY());
    			} else {
    				xDifference = (xCoordinate - b.getX());
    				yDifference = (b.getY() - yCoordinate);
    		} else {
    			if(yCoordinate > b.getY()) {
    				xDifference = (b.getX() - xCoordinate);
    				yDifference = (yCoordinate - b.getY());
    			} else {
    				xDifference = (b.getX() - xCoordinate);
    				yDifference = (b.getY() - yCoordinate);
    		totalDistance = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(xDifference, 2) + Math.pow(yDifference, 2));
    			return totalDistance;
    class Xbot extends Bot{
    	public String toString() {
    		return "X";
    class NumberBot extends Bot{
    	private static int botCounter = 0;
    	private int botNumber;
    	public NumberBot() {
    		botCounter = botCounter + 1;
    	public static int getCounter() {
    		return botCounter;
    	public void setCounter (int botCounter) {
    		botNumber = botCounter;
    	public String toString() {
    		return Integer.toString(botNumber);

    The Array2D class:

     * Implements two dimensional arrray with generics and safe get and
     * set operations in other words it prevents array index out of bound
     * exception. Note that this class will cause compiler warnings but
     * that is acceptable. T is generic type specified when you create a
     * variable of type Array2D. For example to create two dimensional
     * of Double numbers called doubleArray2D you would declare it as:<b/>
     * Array2D<Double> doubleArray2D = new Array2D(20, 10);
    public class Array2D<T> {
    	public static final int NONE  = 0;
    	public static final int UP    = 1;
    	public static final int RIGHT = 2;
    	public static final int DOWN  = 3;
    	public static final int LEFT  = 4;
    	int sizeX;
    	int sizeY;
    	T[][] elements;
    	int x;
    	int y;
    	int direction;
    	public Array2D(int sizeX, int sizeY) {
    		this.sizeX = sizeX;
    		this.sizeY = sizeY;
    		// We can't create an array of generics thus typecasting:
    		elements = (T[][])new Object[sizeX][sizeY];
    		this.x = 0;
    		this.y = 0;
    		this.direction = NONE;
    	 * Gets element at row x and column y. If x and y are invalid row and
    	 * column then return null. The actual return type T will be the type
    	 * specified in between < and > when Array2D is declared. For example:
    	 * Array2D<Player> playerTiles;
    	public T get(int x, int y) {
    		if (x>=0 && x<sizeX && y>=0 && y<sizeY) {
    			return elements[x][y];
    		} else {
    			return null;
    	 * Sets element at row x and column y to a value of t. If x and y are
    	 * invalid row and column then nothing will be set. The actual type T
    	 * of t will be the type specified in between < and > when Array2D is
    	 * declared. For example:
    	 * Array2D<Player> playerTiles;
    	public void set(int x, int y, T t) {
    		if (x>=0 && x<sizeX && y>=0 && y<sizeY) {
    			elements[x][y] = t;
    	 * Sets row, and column of the first element to be read or written as
    	 * well as direction in which next element is read or written. Has to
    	 * be called before get(), set(T t), hasNext() and next() methods.
    	public void start(int x, int y, int direction) {
    		this.x = x;
    		this.y = y;
    		this.direction = direction;
    	 * Gets element at the position specified by start method. Should only
    	 * be called after start method is called to specify row, column and
    	 * direction.
    	public T get() {
    		return get(x, y);
    	 * Sets element at the position specified by start method. Should only
    	 * be called after start method is called to specify row, column and
    	 * direction.
    	public void set(T t) {
    		set(x, y, t);
    	 * Returns true is there is another element in direction specified by
    	 * by start method, otherwise returns false.
    	public boolean hasNext() {
    		int tempX = x;
    		int tempY = y;
    		switch (direction) {
    			case UP:
    			case DOWN:
    			case LEFT:
    			case RIGHT:
    			default: // do nothing
    		if (tempX>=0 && tempX<sizeX && tempY>=0 && tempY<sizeY) {
    			return true;
    		} else {
    			return false;
    	 * Moves to next element in direction specified by start method so all
    	 * subsequent calls to get() and set(T t) will work on this next element.
    	public void next() {
    		// Change x or y depending on the direction the array is read
    		switch (direction) {
    			case UP:
    				y-=1; // same as: y=y-1;
    			case DOWN:
    				y+=1; // same as: y=y+1;
    			case LEFT:
    			case RIGHT:
    			default: // do nothing
    	 * Initializes all elements of this 2D array to a specified value
    	 * of t.
    	public void initialize(T t) {
    		for (int x=0; x<sizeX; x++) {
    			for (int y=0; y<sizeY; y++) {
    				elements[x][y] = t;
    Last edited by broo7198; November 12th, 2011 at 01:26 AM. Reason: grammar

  2. #2
    Super Moderator Norm's Avatar
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    Default Re: Troubles with accessing data from outside the class.

    What specific questions do you have?
    Are you getting errors? Please copy and paste here the full text of the error messages.

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