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Thread: Class Waypoints

  1. #1
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    Default Class Waypoints

    Hello everyone!

    I know that in Java is class WayPoint but I do not have a clue how it works. Is it just for gps systems?

    I need to create program where are waypoints and white point is following them. That white point is controlled by keys - W (forward), A (left), S (backward), D (right), but it is moving like a car. That means if it (point) is "looking" to the north and want to go on west then class Robot has to press W and A at the same time (for cca 1 sec. to turn left - 90°).

    I think it will be difficult to write it.

    I guess there has to be another function (or 'constructor' is right?) which will be returning current position of white point. Something like this Help with Robot Class ?
    Last edited by Vergil333@gmail.com; January 28th, 2012 at 02:05 PM.

  2. #2
    Super Moderator Norm's Avatar
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    Default Re: Class Waypoints

    What package is the WayPoint class in?

    What kind of program are you trying to write? Are you going to use the Java SE classes?

  3. #3
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    Default Re: Class Waypoints

    For now I have only one package. Do I need to create new package? I am not even sure what is their purpose. I installed NetBeam just 2 weeks and I wasn't programming in Java before.

    Java SE... had to use google to find out what SE means (Standard Edition). Yes, I am using Java SE classes so far.

    There is a car simulator. On left bottom corner is mini-map. White point is position of the car. And I want to add to the mini-map waypoints and let Robot to control the car. And I need to know how to do that, what to use and everything that can help me because I am just beginner in Java

    I am not sure if I have to use class WayPoints or not.

  4. #4
    Super Moderator Norm's Avatar
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    Default Re: Class Waypoints

    I know that in Java is class WayPoint
    Where did you see that there was a WayPoint class in Java? I've never seen it.

    What is a car simulator? How does that connect with a java program?
    Same question about the mini-map, What is it and how does connect with a java program?

    If you are just beginning java there are many things you will have to learn before starting to write this program.

  5. #5
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    Default Re: Class Waypoints

    WayPoint (Envinsa 4.1 Java Edition)
    I found it on google when I was looking for creating waypoints... So it is not in Java SE then?

    I wanted to use this for detecting car's position:

    import java.awt.*;
    import java.awt.Toolkit;
    import java.awt.image.BufferedImage;
    import java.awt.Dimension;
    public class PixelScan
        static Robot r;
        static BufferedImage bi;
        static Toolkit toolkit = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit();
        static Dimension scrn = toolkit.getScreenSize();
        public static void main (String[] args)throws AWTException
            r=new Robot();
            bi=r.createScreenCapture(new Rectangle(1153,525,206,209));
            Color c=new Color(222,222,221); //we are looking for white colour
            for(int x=0;x<ff.scrn.width;x++)
                for(int y=0;y<ff.scrn.height;y++)
                    if(bi.getRGB(x, y)==c.getRGB())
                        return x,y; // this has to be fixed, not sure how to return coordinates

    In Rectangle: 1153 is 'x' and 525 is 'y' coordinate of the beginning point/pixel of rectangle (mini-map in our case) - left upper corner.
    206 is width to the right of rectangle and 209 is height to the down of the rectangle, right?

    x---------------> End of this point is 1153+206 (width of mini-map)
    ˇ End of this point is 525+209 (height of mini-map)

    Robot r will create a screen of that rectangle and then double 'for' and 'if' will find position of white point/pixel.

    Based on that the robot will be simulating keypress (W,A,S,D) to control the car.

  6. #6
    Super Moderator Norm's Avatar
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    Default Re: Class Waypoints

    .. So it is not in Java SE then?
    That's correct, it is not in Java SE. That link goes to some third party's code.

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