He was being as polite as most, There are tutors available via the link at the top of the page, most charge 50cents per minute and could get this written in under 20 minutes if they are willing to be unethical, good luck in your witch hunt!
Edit: as a side note, most of us are VERY understanding when it comes to the demands on a comp sci student. You have to just give it your best shot, and if you cant finish, at least comment what you didn't have time for, or couldn't figure out how to do.
Partial marks a a HUGE part of being successful in comp sci. If you are choosing comp sci as a career, you had better learn to make time. (AKA coding for FUN in addition to your assignments, for 5-10 hours a week!) and if you took it out of mere interest, drop the class and buy a book that you will never open and call it a day.
Again we are not aiming to be rude, but it is unrealistic for a stranger to do your homework with out compensation.