Okay I'm stuck here, and have been for a while I've searched everything I can and still can't seem to find out what is going on. Alright I have an Object Called Aircraft. The Object Airplane has the following Fields Aircraft_Id (String), Aircraft_Type (String), Index (BigDecimal), BOW (Int). I have two different Constructors, has nothing passed to it and sets all the fields to an default Value, and a second one that requires ALL fields be supplied.
When I try to set a Field (i.e. Airplane.Aircraft_Id = "Some Aircraft Id") everything seems to work just great, I can set it, and later retrive it.
Unforuntatly I don't find see having 100 differenct aircraft Instances as very efficent so I wanted to create an array of Airplanes.
static public Airplane Aircraft[] = new Airplane[100];
Everything Seems to work fine until I try to set a field
Aircraft[1].Aircraft_Id = "Some Aircraft Id";
This causes my program to crash.
A Side note this is to be run on Android however, this appears to be a failure in my understanding of basic Java is the reason why I'm here and not an an android developers forum.
Thank You for your Help