You have to develop a simple application, which will allow administrator to manage student and projects of students.
Application should get choices from the administrator to perform different tasks.
If administrator chooses 1 then get information of student in the way showing in screen shots below and save into Student object.
If administrator chooses 2 then get the roll number and show information of student in this sequence.
If student record doesn’t exist then properly handle it with message.
If administrator chooses 3 then delete the record of student by searching student record with help of student roll number. If student not found then handle if perperly.
If student’s record already exist then administrator should be able to assign projects to a student by selecting option 4. Administrator should follow these steps
It student’s record doesn’t exist then administrator should not be able to assign any project.
If administrator chooses 5 then administrator should be able to search all projects assigned to student by entering roll number of student. If record not found then handle it properly.
If student exist but no projects assigned to student then handle it properly.
If there are multiple projects of one Student then display all projects detail one by one.
If administrator chooses 6 then administrator should be able to delete all projects assigned to a student. If record not found then handle it properly.
If student exist but no projects assigned to student then handle it properly.
If administrator entered invalid choice or hit canceled handle application properly, it should close gracefully.