Thank you all very much for your help. Here's the source code I ended up with:
Filename: SineValueRadiants
Author: Guillaume Couture
Date: September 27, 2012
Description: The program prints the sine value of a radiant input
public class SineValueRadiants {
public static void main(String[] args) {
double x = (Double.valueOf(args[0])).doubleValue();
double term = 1;
double n;
double fact = 1;
double sinx;
//Calculate the sinx with 17 terms
for (n = 1, sinx = 0; term <= 17 ; n = n + 2, term++) {
//Calculate factorial value of n
fact = 1;
for (double i=1; i<=n; i++) {
fact = fact*i;
//Verify if the term is an odd number to apply the right term sign
if (term%2 == 1){
sinx = sinx + Math.pow(x,n)/fact;
else {
sinx = sinx - (Math.pow(x,n)/fact);
System.out.println("the sine of "+x+" is : "+sinx);
It took me a few hours of pulling my hair out to realize I had to set the factorial back to 1 before each loop.