Our instructor gave us this lecture about our Case Study in our course Object Oriented Programming. Will you help me find a simple code about this as soon as possible? It will be highly appreciated.
Build a simple help system that displays the syntax for the Java Control Statement. There is a code to display a menu, input users choice check for valid response and display information about the item selected. The program also loops until letter "q" is pressed. If you think about it, it is clear that the menu, the check for valid response and the display of information are integral part to the help system. How user's input are obtained and whether the repeated request should be processed or not. Thus, you will create a class that displays the help information, help menu and the checks for valid selection.
-Add Constructor
-Its method will be called HelpOn(), ShowMenu(), and isValid(), respectively.
Thank you in advance if you will help me create this java program.