Hi, being new to java have difficulties with one of my projects to do and hope you can help me fix the code and comprehend it.
here is the thing I must do:
write code for a class dog, dog object is to have attributes name, age, address
write code for a class flea, a flea object is to have attributes name, age
give any additional code in the flea and dog classes that is reqired to setuo a bidirectional association between flea object and a dog boject.
a dog object acts as a host for a flea object and the flea acts as a parasite for a dog.
your code does not have to be robust.
modify dog class so that a dog object can act as owner for up to 200 flea objects. as part of this code give a methoid which returns all parasites for a particular dog.
write test program which creates a dog object and several flea objects
make dog the host for flea and each flea a parasite for a dog. ask the dog "who are your parasites " and point the results
dont read in info from the user. instead create all objects in code
eg - employe j = new employe("joe")
and what I have so far:
import java.util.Collection; public class Dog { private String name; private String Address; private int Age; private Collection<Flea> Fleas; public void setName(String name) { this.name = name; } public void setAddress(String Address) { this.Address = Address; } public void setAge(int Age) { this.Age = Age; } public String getName(){ return name; } public String getAddress(){ return Address; } public int getAge() { return Age; } public String toString(){ return "Name: "+ name +"\n" + "Address: " + Address +"\n"+ "Age: " +Age ; } public void addfleass(Flea flea) { if (!Fleas.contains(flea)) { Fleas.add(flea); } } public Collection<Flea> getFleas() { return Fleas; }
Dog[] Flealist; public Dog() { Flealist = new Dog[200];}
import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; public class DemoAnimals { public static void main(String[] args) { String n; Dog Ralph = new Dog(); Ralph.setName("Ralph"); Ralph.setAddress("Cork"); Ralph.setAge(12); Flea Stuart = new Flea(); Stuart.setName("Stuart"); Stuart.setAge(12); Stuart.setDepartment(Ralph); n= Ralph.toString(); System.out.println(n); } }
public class Flea { private String name; private int Age; private Dog Ddog; public String getName(){ return name; } public void setName(String name){ this.name= name; } public int getAge(){ return Age; } public void setAge(int Age){ this.Age= Age; } public Dog getDog() { return Ddog; } public void setDepartment(Dog Ddog) { this.Ddog = Ddog; } public String toString() { return "Name: " + name + "Age: " + Age; } }