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Thread: Learning OOP; Gettin error messages i cant explain.

  1. #1
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    Default Learning OOP; Gettin error messages i cant explain.

    This is a "homework" of self-paid course of Java basics.

    Mission is to create a class Tulostaja, which ask's two integers and then calls method Summa() from a class Laskin. The code where i need to create this class is next.
    At first, i thought the problem was in line import java.util.Scanner; and i switched it to import java.util.*;, but that did not solve the problem.
    import java.util.Scanner;
    public class OlioidenToimintoja {
        public static void main(String args[]) {
            Tulostaja olio = new Tulostaja();
    //  Here comes my piece of code.
    class Laskin {
        static int Summa(int eka, int toka) {
            int summa = eka + toka;
            return summa;

    And here is the code i have tried (with multiple variations).

    class Tulostaja {
    	public void Tulostaja(){
    		int eka;
    		int toka;
    		int kolmas;
    	// muuttujat
    	int eka, toka, kolmas;
    	// Luetaan kokonaisluvut
    	Scanner lukija = new Scanner(System.in);
    	System.out.print("Syötä ensimmäinen luku: ");
    	eka = lukija.NextInt();
    	System.out.print("Syötä toinen luku: ");
    	toka = lukija.nextInt();
    	// Kutsutaan laskinta
    	kolmas = Laskin.Summa(eka, toka);
    	System.out.print("Lukujen summa: " + kolmas);

    Here is the error messages from javac.

    OlioidenToimintoja.java:28: <identifier> expected

    System.out.print("Syötä ensimmäinen luku: ");


    OlioidenToimintoja.java:28: illegal start of type

    System.out.print("Syötä ensimmäinen luku: ");


    OlioidenToimintoja.java:29: <identifier> expected

    eka = lukija.NextInt();


    OlioidenToimintoja.java:30: <identifier> expected

    System.out.print("Syötä toinen luku: ");


    OlioidenToimintoja.java:30: illegal start of type

    System.out.print("Syötä toinen luku: ");


    OlioidenToimintoja.java:31: <identifier> expected

    toka = lukija.nextInt();


    OlioidenToimintoja.java:34: <identifier> expected

    kolmas = olio.Laskin(eka, toka);


    OlioidenToimintoja.java:35: <identifier> expected

    System.out.print("Lukuje summa: " + kolmas);


    OlioidenToimintoja.java:35: illegal start of type

    System.out.print("Lukuje summa: " + kolmas);


    OlioidenToimintoja.java:35: ')' expected

    System.out.print("Lukuje summa: " + kolmas);


    OlioidenToimintoja.java:35: ';' expected

    System.out.print("Lukuje summa: " + kolmas);


    OlioidenToimintoja.java:35: illegal start of type

    System.out.print("Lukuje summa: " + kolmas);


    OlioidenToimintoja.java:35: <identifier> expected

    System.out.print("Lukuje summa: " + kolmas);


    OlioidenToimintoja.java:35: ';' expected

    System.out.print("Lukuje summa: " + kolmas);


    OlioidenToimintoja.java:42: reached end of file while parsing



    15 errors
    Last edited by E.K.Virtanen; March 20th, 2013 at 11:48 AM. Reason: [Solved]

  2. #2
    Super Moderator Norm's Avatar
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    Default Re: Learning OOP; Gettin error messages i cant explain.

    The compiler is confused because it found statements that should be inside of a method that were not in a method.
    If you don't understand my answer, don't ignore it, ask a question.

  3. #3
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    Default Re: Learning OOP; Gettin error messages i cant explain.

    Thank you Norm. Feeling bit stupid here, but i guess it's the price of learning new
    Got it working.
    Last edited by E.K.Virtanen; March 25th, 2013 at 02:31 PM. Reason: Removed the solution.

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