Hello, I've recently started a Computer Science course but due to illness I've missed the majority of the lectures in the first 3 weeks. I have been set a basic task where I have to create a Class that will model a mobile phone.
It will have fields that correspond to the type of phone, memory, service provider, contract type, camera res, phone battery.
It Will have a constructor for the class to pass arguments between the attributes with other fields set to default values.
Once the phone is sold it will need mutator methods to set the type of contract and the service provider. These will be setProvider() and setContractType()
A mutator method chargeUp() shouldalso simulate fully charging the phone. Accessor methods are needed to to retrieve information from fields. getType, getProvider etc.
This is a brief overview of the task and I'm not sure where to go and further than creating the class and variables. I'd appreicate if someone could advise on where to go from there with a brief explanation so I can continue.
Thanks in advance.