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Thread: game Snake in the applet, how to execute methods from different classes?

  1. #1
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    Default game Snake in the applet, how to execute methods from different classes?

    I'm simply looking for any guidance for resolution to a project i was given. Any help is greatly appreciated. please let me know if i need to show StartingClass and Snake classes for more info.

    this is a java applet allows a user to play Snake game, it was created with 4 different classes in the package exam1 : StartingClass, GameException, Snake, Point.
    The driver class for the applet is named "StartingClass" and contians a series of strings and default values.

    For this project i need to review the code and make the following adjustments:

    1. Adjust the Title of the Applet so it is named "Tiger Snake" the current name is "Snakes Game" - DONE in StartingClass
    2. Create a class named {Netid}A06 in the default package. - DONE
    3. Create an instance of "exam1.Snake", starting at position 200, 200 on a board that is 800 by 600 - DONE
    4. Execute the Snake.move() method 10 times. - Need guidance on this step
    5. Execute the Snake.getScore() method and print the following to screen. "Score1: {SCORE}\n" - Need guidance on this step
    6. Create a second instance of snake using the same parameters. - DONE
    7. Read 30 integers from console using a Scanner's nextInt method. - should be similar to as step 5
    8. If a 1 is entered call the snake moveLeft method - Need guidance on this step
    If a 2 is entered call the snake moveRight method
    If a 3 is entered call the snake moveDown method
    If a 4 is entered call the snake moveUp method
    In each loop iteration execute the Snake.move method - Need guidance on this step
    9. At the end of the loop execute the Snake.getScore() method and print the following to screen. "Score2: {SCORE}\n"
    10. Adjust the default difficulty by setting it to 5; - DONE
    11. Adjust the instructions so they explain that pressing the number keys adjusts the difficulty. - Need guidance on this step

    import exam1.Snake;
    import java.util. Scanner;
    public class NetIdA06 { // 2. Create a class named {Netid}A06 in the default package
    				public static void main(String[] args) {
    			Scanner input = new Scanner(System.in); {
    			Snake mySnake1 = new Snake(200, 200, 800, 600); // 3. Create an instance of "exam1.Snake"
    			Snake mySnake2 = new Snake(200, 200, 800, 600); // 6. Create a second instance of snake using the same parameters.

    I did not see any examples in the book, watched youtube videos and went through a numerous instructions and still not getting how to call for methods from different classes.

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    Default Re: game Snake in the applet, how to execute methods from different classes?

    You need to create an object of the class in which your method to be called is present.
    Then you need to call the method using that object.
    e.g Class obj1=new Class();
    Does this help resolving your problem?

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    Default Re: game Snake in the applet, how to execute methods from different classes?

    You've asked a lot of questions - very thoroughly - so don't be surprised if you aren't overwhelmed with detailed responses. All who visit and contribute to these forums are volunteers, and most pass through fairly quickly, spreading the wealth and sharing their time in small bits. A topic as large as yours may have to wait for the weekend or a less busy person to happen by. Be patient. Plus, each of your areas builds on the first, so they really need to be taken one at a time.

    In that light, I recommend that you break your topic up into smaller bite-sized pieces. It won't require a new thread, but continue this one with a focus on each of your "Need Guidance" areas, one at a time. For example, take the first one, "Execute the Snake.move() method 10 times." That looks like a loop to me. I think that's where ankurt was headed: create an instance of Snake, perhaps 'snake', and then call the move() method on that instance, snake.move(), in a loop that executes 10 times. Code that, come back and post that code if you need help. If you don't need help with it, move to the next "Need Guidance" area.

    You'll get a more helpful response to each area if you show what you've done, describe what specific help you need with what you've done, posting the code and any errors you've gotten, and by asking specific questions. If we need to see the program's bad behavior to understand the problem, please post enough code for us to duplicate the problem, not pictures or screenshots unless absolutely necessary.

    Good luck!

  4. #4
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    Default Re: game Snake in the applet, how to execute methods from different classes?

    "You need to create an object of the class in which your method to be called is present."

    i thought that i have created an object with parameters of 200, 200, 800, 600, am i wrong?
    Snake Snake1 = new Snake(200, 200, 800, 600);

    "Then you need to call the method using that object."

    when i call the method Snake1.move() it gives me - "Unhandled exception type Game Exception" message

    --- Update ---

    I'm going to break this thread by points.

    3. Create an instance of "exam1.Snake", starting at position 200, 200 on a board that is 800 by 600

    did i create an instance of "exam1.Snake" with a code below correctly?
    if not, then i will try modify it.
    Snake Snake1 = new Snake(200, 200, 800, 600); // create an instance of exam1.Snake
    why did i create an object with name "Snake1" - cause on step 6. i will need to create a second instance which will call "Snake2".
    please correct my thinking process if i'm wrong.

    Going to the next step of:
    4. Execute the Snake.move() method 10 times. - Need guidance on this step

    "Unhandled exception type Game Exception" message comes up when i do the following code.
    in my understanding i have to create a loop that will execute "Snake.move" 10 times in order for this message to go away.

    I'm posting the Snake.java class to see the picture of what i'm trying to achieve:

    package exam1;
    import java.util.ArrayList;
    import java.util.List;
     * Snake represents a snake in the game, the starting class controls the snake but we could just as easily write a console               * app or an web application
    public class Snake {
    	// This represents the direction the snake is moving
    	enum Direction { left, right, up, down }
    	// How fast the game will play, larger number slower game
    	private int difficulty = 5; // Large the number slower the game
    	// The current score
    	long score = 0;
    	// The head of the snake
    	Point currentPoint;
    	// The tail of the snake
    	List<Point> points = new ArrayList<Point>();
    	// Size of the playing board
    	int xs, ys;
    	 * Initialize the snake, x is the starting X, y is the starting Y.
    	 * , xs and ys represent the size of the board
    	 * @param x
    	 * @param y
    	 * @param xs
    	 * @param ys
    	public Snake( int x, int y, int xs, int ys ) {
    		this.xs = xs;
    		this.ys = ys;
    		currentPoint = new Point( x, y);
    	 * Returns the points of the snake (minus the head)
    	public List<Point> getPoints() {
    		return points;
    	 * The size of the snake including the head
    	 * @return
    	public int getLength() {
    		return points.size()+1;
    	 * Set the snake to move left
    	 * @throws GameException
    	public void moveLeft() throws GameException {
    		currentDirection = Direction.left;	
    	 * Set the snake to move right
    	 * @throws GameException
    	public void moveRight() throws GameException {
    		currentDirection = Direction.right;
    	 * Set the snake to move down
    	 * @throws GameException
    	public void moveDown() throws GameException {
    		currentDirection = Direction.down;
    	 * Set the snake to move up
    	 * @throws GameException
    	public void moveUp() throws GameException {
    		currentDirection = Direction.up;
    	// Default direction is right
    	Direction currentDirection = Direction.right;
    	 * Execute a move in the game
    	 * @throws GameException
    	public void move( ) throws GameException {
    		int gap = 10;
    		Point p = null;
    		if( currentDirection.equals(Direction.down)) {
    			p = new Point(currentPoint.getX(), currentPoint.getY()+gap);		
    		} else if( currentDirection.equals(Direction.up) ) {
    			p = new Point(currentPoint.getX(), currentPoint.getY()-gap);				
    		} else if( currentDirection.equals(Direction.left) ) {
    			p = new Point(currentPoint.getX()-gap, currentPoint.getY());
    		} else if( currentDirection.equals(Direction.right) ) {
    			p = new Point(currentPoint.getX()+gap, currentPoint.getY());	
    		if( p != null && ( score % difficulty ) == 0  ) {
    			addPoint( p );
    	 * Set the point and throw gameover if needed.
    	 * @param p
    	 * @throws GameException
    	private void addPoint( Point p ) throws GameException {
    		if( currentPoint.equals(p) ) {
    		} else {
    			for( int i = 0; i < points.size(); i++ ) {
    				if( points.get(i).equals( p ) ) { 
    					throw( new GameException( "Game over!" ) );
    			if( p.getX() > ys || p.getX() < 0 || p.getY() > ys || p.getY() < 0 ) {
    				throw( new GameException( "Game over!, exceeded dimensions" ) );
    			points.add( currentPoint );
    			currentPoint = p;	
    	public void valid( Point nextPoint ) {
    	 * Return the snakes score
    	 * @return
    	public long getScore() {
    		return score;
    	public int getDifficulty() {
    		return difficulty;
    	public void setDifficulty( int difficulty ) {
    		this.difficulty = difficulty;
    	public static int getDefaultDifficulty() {
    		return StartingClass.getDefaultDifficulty();
    	public static String getInstructions() {
    		return StartingClass.getInstructions();
    	public static String getTitle() {
    		return StartingClass.getTitle();

    --- Update ---

    not sure if this is the way to go, but here it is:
    steps: 3, 4 and 5

    Snake Snake1 = new Snake(200, 200, 800, 600); 	// created first instance of exam1.Snake
    Snake1.move();{ 				//  message persists  "Unhandled exception type Game Exception"
    	for(int gap = 0; gap < 10; gap++); // loop to run "move" method 10 times
    Snake1.getScore();{ 			// executing method "Snake.getScore"
    	System.out.print("score1 : {SCORE}\n"); // print out on the screen

  5. #5
    Super Moderator Norm's Avatar
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    Default Re: game Snake in the applet, how to execute methods from different classes?

    "Unhandled exception type GameException
    See the tutorial on exceptions and try{}catch blocks: Lesson: Exceptions (The Java™ Tutorials > Essential Classes)
    If you don't understand my answer, don't ignore it, ask a question.

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    Default Re: game Snake in the applet, how to execute methods from different classes?

    so far this is my code in my class for steps 3, 4 and 5.

     import exam1.GameException;
    import exam1.Snake;
    import java.util. Scanner;
    public class MyclassA06 {	 // 2. Create a class named {Netid}A06 in the default package
    	public static void main(String[] args) throws GameException{
    	Scanner input = new Scanner(System.in); {
    	Snake Snake1 = new Snake(200, 200, 800, 600); 	 {// created instance of exam1.Snake
    	Snake1.move(); 	// executing method Snake.move
    	for(int gap = 10; gap < 21; gap++);	//	  System.out.println();
    	Snake1.getScore();{ 		// executing method Snake.getScore
    	System.out.print("score1: {SCORE} \n" );		 // print out on the screen

    Please let me know what i'm doing wrong here, cause i'm getting errors below:

    Starting snake 600 800
    exam1.GameException: Game over: Game over!
    at exam1.Snake.addPoint(Snake.java:136)
    at exam1.Snake.move(Snake.java:120)
    at exam1.StartingClass.run(StartingClass.java:198)
    at java.lang.Thread.run(Unknown Source)

  7. #7
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    Default Re: game Snake in the applet, how to execute methods from different classes?

    exam1.GameException: Game over: Game over!
    at exam1.Snake.addPoint(Snake.java:136)
    at exam1.Snake.move(Snake.java:120)
    The addPoint() method (called from line 120) is throwing a GameException at line 136. Look at the code before line 136 to see why the code executes the throw statement. If needed, add some println() statements that print out the the values of all the variables the code uses to make its decision.
    If you don't understand my answer, don't ignore it, ask a question.

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    Default Re: game Snake in the applet, how to execute methods from different classes?


    Thank you for your reply, unfortunately i have no idea what i'm looking at these lines.

    any other guidance?

  9. #9
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    Default Re: game Snake in the applet, how to execute methods from different classes?

    What was printed out when you added the println() statements to print the values of the variables used to determine if the code should throw the exception.
    For example: Print out the value of p and of points. They are used in this:
    	if( points.get(i).equals( p ) ) {
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    Default Re: game Snake in the applet, how to execute methods from different classes?

    this is the print output from line 120

    this is the point p - :exam1.Point@64b28abf

     if( p != null && ( score % difficulty ) == 0  )	{
    		addPoint( p );
    		System.out.println ("this is the point p - :" +p);

    for line 136 i could not figure out how to print the output, thou here is the code

    private void addPoint( Point p ) throws GameException {
    	if( currentPoint.equals(p) ) {
    	} else {
    		for( int i = 0; i < points.size(); i++ ) {
    			if( points.get(i).equals( p ) ) { 
    				throw( new GameException( "Game over!" ) ); // THIS IS THE LINE 136
    			if( p.getX() > ys || p.getX() < 0 || p.getY() > ys || p.getY() < 0 ) {
    				throw( new GameException( "Game over!, exceeded dimensions" ) );
    			points.add( currentPoint );
    			currentPoint = p;	

    --- Update ---

    if i understood you correctly this is a value of p:
    if i'm not mistaken this is a value of p = exam1.Point@447ecd43

    } else if( currentDirection.equals(Direction.right) ) {
    			p = new Point(currentPoint.getX()+gap, currentPoint.getY());	
    		System.out.println("if i'm not mistaken this is a value of p = " +p);

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    Default Re: game Snake in the applet, how to execute methods from different classes?

    You should ask the author of the code why it throws an exception on line 136. The code is VERY POORLY commented with explanations on why it is doing what it does.

    if( points.get(i).equals( p ) ) {
    When the above is true, the exception is thrown.

    That is the default String returned by the Object class's toString() method.
    The Point class needs a toString() method that returns a String with its contents for debugging. With a proper toString() method the printout could be:
    x=300, y=234
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    Default Re: game Snake in the applet, how to execute methods from different classes?

    I have a separate Point.java class in the same package, maybe it would be of help

    package exam1;
     * Just a simple object that represents a point in the game
    public class Point {
    	private int x;
    	private int y;
    	public Point( int x, int y) {
    	public int getX() {
    		return x;
    	public void setX(int x) {
    		this.x = x;
    	public int getY() {
    		return y;
    	public void setY(int y) {
    		this.y = y;
    	public boolean equals( Point p ) {
    		return p.getX() == this.getX() && p.getY() == this.getY();

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    Default Re: game Snake in the applet, how to execute methods from different classes?

    For debugging, add a toString() method to the Point class:
    public String toString() { 
      return "x=" + x + ", y="+y;
    Then when a Point is printed, the output will be like: x=3, y=4;
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    Default Re: game Snake in the applet, how to execute methods from different classes?

    yes, output is

    value of Point p = x=140, y=140


    this is the point addPoint p= x=130, y=140

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    Default Re: game Snake in the applet, how to execute methods from different classes?

    What two points are those? What do they have to do with the code on line 136?
    Those points are not equal. If those are the two points being compared in line 136, the if condition should be false because they are not equal?
    Did you print out the contents of the variable: points? It should show the values of all the points in the ArrayList.
    If you don't understand my answer, don't ignore it, ask a question.

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    Default Re: game Snake in the applet, how to execute methods from different classes?

    when i execute the StartingClass.java or Snake.java i have a game Snake. when the head of the Snake hits its body then i have an output on Console with error on line 136:

    x= number
    y= number
    these two points are printed from line 120.

    but when the head of the Snake goes out of designated area 800x600, then i have an error on line 144 with "x" and "y" numbers.

    is it possible that it should be the way it is when Game is over? and throw the exception.

    sorry for not giving you what you are asking, it is very hard for me to understand what this assignment is referring to.

    points when Snake's head smashes into its body:
    Starting snake 600 800
    this is the point addPoint p= x=110, y=100
    this is the point addPoint p= x=120, y=100
    this is the point addPoint p= x=130, y=100
    this is the point addPoint p= x=130, y=110
    this is the point addPoint p= x=130, y=120
    this is the point addPoint p= x=130, y=130
    this is the point addPoint p= x=120, y=130
    this is the point addPoint p= x=110, y=130
    this is the point addPoint p= x=110, y=120
    this is the point addPoint p= x=110, y=110
    exam1.GameException: Game over: Game over!
    at exam1.Snake.addPoint(Snake.java:136)
    at exam1.Snake.move(Snake.java:120)
    at exam1.StartingClass.run(StartingClass.java:198)
    at java.lang.Thread.run(Unknown Source)

  17. #17
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    Default Re: game Snake in the applet, how to execute methods from different classes?

    What is shown when the points variable is printed?

    Move the println()s to just before the throw new GameException() statement so you can see what point was the problem. You need to see what Point is causing the problem.

    the way it is when Game is over? and throw the exception.
    Yes. The exception is thrown when the game is over. So the exception is correct.
    If you don't understand my answer, don't ignore it, ask a question.

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    Default Re: game Snake in the applet, how to execute methods from different classes?

    i tried different points, and did not see anything out of ordinary.

    should i println() in other classes as well?
    could you tell me what i'm i looking for in the output?

    I'm not sure if i need to concentrate on fixing these issues. but i appreciate your help very much.

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    Default Re: game Snake in the applet, how to execute methods from different classes?

    What issues are there when the program is executed now?
    If you don't understand my answer, don't ignore it, ask a question.

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