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Thread: How to copy

  1. #1
    Junior Member
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    Default How to copy

    Hello forum members.

    I need some help with my dice game.
    Since I have to program object oriented I dont want to copy everything but make some kind of function.
    Only problem is that I dont know where I should make a function.

    import javax.swing.*;
    import java.awt.event.*;
    import java.awt.*;
    public class ImplementatieDobbelsteen extends JFrame {
    	public static void main(String[] args) {
    		JFrame frame = new ImplementatieDobbelsteen();
    		frame.setSize(600, 400);
    		frame.setContentPane(new Paneel());
    class Paneel extends JPanel {
    	Dobbelsteen dobbelsteen1, dobbelsteen2; //dobbelstenen maken
    	JButton gooi;
    	public Paneel(){
    		dobbelsteen1 = new Dobbelsteen();
    		gooi = new JButton("Gooi");
    		gooi.addActionListener(new GooiHandler());
    		gooi.setBounds(getVisibleRect()); //in het midden zetten
    	public void paintComponent(Graphics g) {
    		int a = dobbelsteen1.getAantal(); //a krijgt de waarde van dobbelsteen
    		g.drawRect(100, 100, 100, 100);
    		/*a word gebruikt voor de ogen van de dobbelsteen*/
    		if(a == 1) {
    			g.fillOval(140, 140, 20, 20);
    		if(a == 2) {
    			g.fillOval(120, 120, 20, 20);
    			g.fillOval(160, 160, 20, 20);
    		if(a == 3) {
    			g.fillOval(120, 120, 20, 20);
    			g.fillOval(140, 140, 20, 20);
    			g.fillOval(160, 160, 20, 20);
    		if(a == 4) {
    			g.fillOval(120, 120, 20, 20);
    			g.fillOval(160, 120, 20, 20);
    			g.fillOval(120, 160, 20, 20);
    			g.fillOval(160, 160, 20, 20);
    		if(a == 5) {
    			g.fillOval(140, 140, 20, 20);
    			g.fillOval(120, 120, 20, 20);
    			g.fillOval(160, 120, 20, 20);
    			g.fillOval(120, 160, 20, 20);
    			g.fillOval(160, 160, 20, 20);
    		if(a == 6) {
    			g.fillOval(120, 115, 20, 20);
    			g.fillOval(120, 140, 20, 20);
    			g.fillOval(120, 165, 20, 20);
    			g.fillOval(160, 115, 20, 20);
    			g.fillOval(160, 140, 20, 20);
    			g.fillOval(160, 165, 20, 20);
    	class GooiHandler implements ActionListener {
    		public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent event) {

    And here is my dice class

    public class Dobbelsteen {
    	int aantal;
    	public Dobbelsteen() { //constructor
    	public void gooi() { //gooi functie
    		aantal = (int) (6 * Math.random() + 1);
    	public int getAantal() { //return aantal ogen van dobbelsteen
    		return aantal;

    Now I need to make the exact same dice but on the right of the other dice.
    So they dont overlap each other.

    Can someone give me some advice on how to do so?

  2. #2
    Super Moderator Norm's Avatar
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    Default Re: How to copy

    If you are asking about how to position components in the GUI, look at the layout managers to see which one will do what you want:
    Lesson: Laying Out Components Within a Container (The Java™ Tutorials > Creating a GUI With JFC/Swing)
    If you don't understand my answer, don't ignore it, ask a question.

  3. #3
    Junior Member
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    Default Re: How to copy

    Thats not what I mean.

    I dont want to copy and past this part
    public void paintComponent(Graphics g) {
    		int a = dobbelsteen1.getAantal(); //a krijgt de waarde van dobbelsteen
    		g.drawRect(100, 100, 100, 100);
    		/*a word gebruikt voor de ogen van de dobbelsteen*/
    		if(a == 1) {
    			g.fillOval(140, 140, 20, 20);
    		if(a == 2) {
    			g.fillOval(120, 120, 20, 20);
    			g.fillOval(160, 160, 20, 20);
    		if(a == 3) {
    			g.fillOval(120, 120, 20, 20);
    			g.fillOval(140, 140, 20, 20);
    			g.fillOval(160, 160, 20, 20);
    		if(a == 4) {
    			g.fillOval(120, 120, 20, 20);
    			g.fillOval(160, 120, 20, 20);
    			g.fillOval(120, 160, 20, 20);
    			g.fillOval(160, 160, 20, 20);
    		if(a == 5) {
    			g.fillOval(140, 140, 20, 20);
    			g.fillOval(120, 120, 20, 20);
    			g.fillOval(160, 120, 20, 20);
    			g.fillOval(120, 160, 20, 20);
    			g.fillOval(160, 160, 20, 20);
    		if(a == 6) {
    			g.fillOval(120, 115, 20, 20);
    			g.fillOval(120, 140, 20, 20);
    			g.fillOval(120, 165, 20, 20);
    			g.fillOval(160, 115, 20, 20);
    			g.fillOval(160, 140, 20, 20);
    			g.fillOval(160, 165, 20, 20);

    And then change the coordinates.

    I want this to be a function which draws the dices but the coordinates need to be different

  4. #4
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    Default Re: How to copy

    You should change all your hard-coded numbers to variables. x, y, width, and height. And I would make a separate function for each die number that draws it in the size/location it's told to:

    int diceX = ???;
    int diceY = ???;
    int diceWidth = ???;
    int diceHeight = ???;
    if (a == 1) {
     drawDie1(g, diceX, diceY, diceWidth, diceHeight);
    } else if (a == 2) {
     drawDie2(g, diceX, diceY, diceWidth, diceHeight);
    private void drawDie1(Graphics g, int x, int y, int width, int height) {
     g.fillOval(width / 2 + x, height / 2 + y, 20, 20);
    private void drawDie2(Graphics g, int x, int y, int width, int height) {
     int centerX = width / 3 + x;
     int centerY = height / 3 + y;
     g.fillOval(width / 3 + x, height / 3 + y, 20, 20);
     g.fillOval(width * 2 / 3 + x, height * 2 / 3 + y, 20, 20);

  5. #5
    Junior Member
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    Default Re: How to copy

    Looks great, just genius!!

    Should be obvious but experience comes with time.

    Thanks for the information!

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