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Thread: Linking objects, exception throwing and using boolean - how?

  1. #1
    Junior Member
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    Default Problem with method - not sure if it's correct

    I have been asked to create a method hasHad(aDrug). The method specification is: If the receiver is linked to aTreatment object that is linked to aDrug then returns true; otherwise returns false. The method I tried to come up with is:
    public boolean hasHad(Drug aDrug)
           if (treatments.contains(aDrug))
                return true;
                return false;
    Drug is a class already created.
    aTreatment is used in another methoed in the same class as hasHad() - both in Patient class, and is used as such:

    public void addTreatment(Treatment aTreatment)

    Treatment is a class aready created.

    My porblem is I don;t kniow if what I have done is correct as the rest of the classes are incomplete so I can't test it. I need to be sure if its right - or wronf, in which case I need help to correct it, before I move on.

    Any help will be appreciated
    Last edited by steveby63; July 7th, 2014 at 07:24 AM.

  2. #2
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    Default Re: Problem with method - not sure if it's correct

    Welcome to the Forum! Please read this topic to learn how to post code correctly and other useful tips for newcomers.

    Please post your code correctly per the above link.

  3. #3
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    Default Linking objects, exception throwing and using boolean - how?

    I have been asked to a method recordTreatment(aPatient, aDrug) with the following specification:
    (i) aPatient is not liked to ant Treatment object which is linked to aDrug; otherwise an exception is thrown.
    (ii) It the value of limit (a variable) is greater than the number of Treatment object linked to aDrug then a new
    Treatement object is created with date set to today's date and:
    (a) aTreatment is linked to aPatient
    (b) aTreatmen is linked to a Drug
    (c) true is returned
    otherwise false is returned.

    This method is in a coordinating class. Patient and Drug class are complete, a class specifiying the date has complete (is called M256Date).

    I understand an If statement is required (possibly more than one). My problem is getting all the specification together. This is my feable attempt (incomplete, and more than likely, wrong).

    public boolean recordTreatment(Patient aPatient, Drug aDrug)
        if (!aPatient.equals.aTreatment)
            throw new illegalArguemntException(“”);
        if (limit > aDrug)
            Treatment aTreatment = new Treatment();
        return true;
        return false;

    Any help will be appreciated.

  4. #4
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    Default Re: Linking objects, exception throwing and using boolean - how?

    Threads merged. Please don't post multiple threads on essentially the same topic. If you decide to improve your original post - as you did, thank you - then please just add to the existing thread. If you decide the existing thread is in the wrong place, then report it using the triangle-exclamation and ask that it be moved.

    Good luck!

  5. #5
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    Default Re: Linking objects, exception throwing and using boolean - how?

    A useful technique when writing code to implement several tests is to add comments to a skeleton of the code describing what each test is going to do. The comments should be added before the code to implement the tests is written. Then when writing the code for one of the tests, the description for that test will be in front of you as you write the code.
    If you don't understand my answer, don't ignore it, ask a question.

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