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Thread: Need some math help

  1. #26
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    Default Re: Need some math help

    Quote Originally Posted by Norm View Post
    In your example what would be the values in the array at the end of each of the steps?

    Y[4] (creates an array of way with 4 shelves/things to store numbers in)

    Y[0] = 1
    Y[1] = 2
    Y[2] = 3
    Y[3] = 4

    Next I add 7 to the numbers

    Y[0] = 1+7 This would be 8
    Y[1] = 2+7 This would be 9
    Y[2] = 3+7 This would be 10
    Y[3] = 4+7 This would be 11

    Then I do that get the remainder after dividing by 10 thing

    Y[0] = Y[0] % 10 This becomes 8
    Y[1] = Y[1] % 10 This becomes 9
    Y[2] = Y[2] % 10 This becomes 1
    Y[3] = Y[3] % 10 This becomes 2

    Not sure if these outcomes are 100% correct. I'm trying to do a couple different home works at once.

    Quote Originally Posted by Norm View Post
    What math steps would need to be done to "undo" the % operator? Make a list of numbers that are possible values in this program (7-16), apply % to them and then look at what would need to be done to get back the original numbers.
    For example:
    7 % 10 = 7 Nothing needed to restore 7
    16 % 10 = 6 add 10 to get 16
    So...if a number is between 8 and 9 then just subtract 7 from it? if its anything else add 10 to it, then subtract 7?
    Last edited by mattig89ch; September 26th, 2014 at 11:58 AM. Reason: Math mistakes

  2. #27
    Super Moderator Norm's Avatar
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    Default Re: Need some math help

    There are only 10 different numbers so you should be able to see how to convert each one of them to the original value.
    If you don't understand my answer, don't ignore it, ask a question.

  3. #28
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    Default Re: Need some math help

    wooo! it works! Thanks for the help all!

    Two last questions.

    First, is it possible to combine the 4 elements in the array into a single int?

    Second, is it possible to have java read the length of the initial int? so I can tell a user they didn't enter a long enough number, or too long of a number.

  4. #29
    Super Moderator Norm's Avatar
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    Default Re: Need some math help

    is it possible to combine the 4 elements in the array into a single int?
    Yes. You need to define the value in each slot's relationship to the other slots in the array.

    Remember how our number system works:
    1234 is the sum of these 4 values:
    The factors are 10 to a power.

    have java read the length of the initial int
    I assume you mean how many digits a number displayed in base 10 takes. int values are stored in binary format in a 32 bit area of memory.

    One way to see the number of digits would be by testing the value against the smallest and highest value with the desired number of digits. For 2 digits: 10 to 99
    Also since most user input is read as a String, use a String class method to determine the length of the String.
    If you don't understand my answer, don't ignore it, ask a question.

  5. #30
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    wew! Thanks for the help again all. Grade 100! Thanks to your help.

    Forum Question now, I have another math question(s) for my next hw assignment. Would it be better to just start a new topic, or to keep going with this old one?

  6. #31
    Super Moderator Norm's Avatar
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    Default Re: Need some math help

    Start a new thread for a new problem.
    If you don't understand my answer, don't ignore it, ask a question.

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