Hi community, I need a program to indicate if two polygons intersect in two points, will it be possible to do it through these codes that facilitate me? Thanks!!
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Hi community, I need a program to indicate if two polygons intersect in two points, will it be possible to do it through these codes that facilitate me? Thanks!!
Sorry, we don't write code here. If you have some specific java programming questions about your code,I need a program
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/*%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%*/ /* * To change this license header, choose License Headers in Project Properties. * To change this template file, choose Tools | Templates * and open the template in the editor. */ package calculointereseccion; /** * */ public class CalculoIntereseccion { * */** * * * @param args the command line arguments * * */ * *public static void main(String[] args) { * * * * * * * * * * * *double n1 = 123; * * * *double n2 = 356; * * * * * * * *Punto p1 = new Punto(n1 , n2); * * * * * * * *Punto p2 = new Punto(); * * * *p2.setCoordX(123); * * * *p2.setCoordY(356); * * * * * * * *Punto listaPuntos1[] = new Punto [2]; * * * *listaPuntos1 [0] = p1; * * * *listaPuntos1 [1] = p2; * * * * * * * * * * * *Poligono poligono1 = new Poligono("Mi primer poligono", "VERDE", listaPuntos1); * * * *poligono1.imprimirPoligono (); * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *} * * } /*%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%*/ /*%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%*/ package calculointereseccion; public class Poligono { * * * *private String nombre; * *private String color; * *private Punto listaPuntos []; * * * *public Poligono (String nombreIn , String colorIn ,Punto listaPuntosIn []){ * * * *nombre = nombreIn; * * * *color = colorIn; * * * *listaPuntos = listaPuntosIn; * *} * * * *public boolean interseccionPoligonos (Poligono otroPoligono){ * * * *boolean intersectan = false; * * * * * * * *Punto listaTmpOtroPol [] = otroPoligono.getListaPuntos(); * * * * * * * * * * * *for (int x=0; x < listaPuntos.length ; x++){ * * * * * *Punto p1 = listaPuntos [x]; * * * * * * * *Punto p2 = null; * * * * * *if (x != listaPuntos.length-1){ * * * * * * * * p2 = listaPuntos [x+1]; * * * * * *}else { * * * * * * * * p2 = listaPuntos [0]; * * * * * *} * * * * * *Linea lineaTmpPoligono1 = new Linea(p1, p2); * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *for (int j=0; j < listaTmpOtroPol.length ; j++){ * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *Punto p1otroPol = listaTmpOtroPol [x]; * * * * * * * * * *Punto p2otroPol = null; * * * * * * * *if (x != listaTmpOtroPol.length-1){ * * * * * * * * * * p1otroPol = listaTmpOtroPol [x+1]; * * * * * * * *}else { * * * * * * * * * * p2otroPol = listaTmpOtroPol [0]; * * * * * * * *} * * * * * * * *Linea lineaTmpOtroPoligono = new Linea(p1otroPol, p2otroPol); * * * * * * * *boolean seIntersectanLasLineas = lineaTmpPoligono1.seInterectan(lineaTmpOtroPoligono); * * * * * * * *if ( seIntersectanLasLineas == true){ * * * * * * * * * *intersectan = true; * * * * * * * * * *break; * * * * * * * *} * * * * * * * * * * * * * *} * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *} * * * * * * * *return intersectan; * *} * * * * * *public void imprimirPoligono () { * * * *System.out.println("INICIO POLIGONO________"); * * * *for (int pos =0; pos < listaPuntos.length ; pos++){ * * * * * *Punto tmp = *listaPuntos [pos]; * * * * * *tmp.imprimirPunto(); * * * *} * * * *System.out.println("___________FIN POLIGONO"); * *} * * * *public String getNombre() { * * * *return nombre; * *} * *public void setNombre(String nombre) { * * * *this.nombre = nombre; * *} * *public String getColor() { * * * *return color; * *} * *public void setColor(String color) { * * * *this.color = color; * *} * *public Punto[] getListaPuntos() { * * * *return listaPuntos; * *} * *public void setListaPuntos(Punto[] listaPuntos) { * * * *this.listaPuntos = listaPuntos; * *} * * * * * * * * * * } /*%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%*/ /*%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%*/ /* * To change this license header, choose License Headers in Project Properties. * To change this template file, choose Tools | Templates * and open the template in the editor. */ package calculointereseccion; /** * */ public class Linea { * * * *private Punto pInicial; * *private Punto pFinal; * * * *public Linea (Punto p1, Punto p2){ * * * *pInicial = p1; * * * *pFinal = p2; * * * *} * * * * * *public double pendiente (){ * * * *double pendiente = 0; * * * *pendiente = pFinal.getCoordY() - pInicial.getCoordY() / pFinal.getCoordX() - pInicial.getCoordX(); * * * *return pendiente; * *} * * * *public boolean seInterectan (Linea otraLinea){ * * * *boolean interseccion = false; * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *return interseccion; * *} * * * *public void imprimirLinea (){ * * * *System.out.println("INICIO LINEA___________"); * * * *System.out.print("PUNTO INICIAL: "); * * * *pInicial.imprimirPunto(); * * * *System.out.print("PUNTO FINAL: "); * * * *pFinal.imprimirPunto(); * * * *System.out.println("___________FIN LINEA"); * * * * * *} * * * *public Punto getpInicial() { * * * *return pInicial; * *} * *public void setpInicial(Punto pInicial) { * * * *this.pInicial = pInicial; * *} * *public Punto getpFinal() { * * * *return pFinal; * *} * *public void setpFinal(Punto pFinal) { * * * *this.pFinal = pFinal; * *} * * * * * * } /*%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%*/ /*%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%*/ /* * To change this license header, choose License Headers in Project Properties. * To change this template file, choose Tools | Templates * and open the template in the editor. */ package calculointereseccion; public class Punto { * * * *private double coordX; * *private double coordY; * * * *public Punto (){ * * * *coordX = 0; * * * *coordY = 0; * *} * * * * * *//CONSTRUCTOR * *public Punto (double coordXIn, double coordYIn){ * * * *coordX = coordXIn; * * * *coordY = coordYIn; * * * * * *} * * * * * *public void imprimirPunto (){ * * * * * * * *System.out.println(" COORD X:" + coordX +" COORD Y:" + coordY ); * * * *} * *public double getCoordX() { * * * *return coordX; * *} * *public void setCoordX(double coordX) { * * * *this.coordX = coordX; * *} * *public double getCoordY() { * * * *return coordY; * *} * *public void setCoordY(double coordY) { * * * *this.coordY = coordY; * *} * * * * * * * * * * } /*%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%*/
Did you have any questions?
What happened to the code? It has lots of leading *s that make it useless for testing.
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