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Thread: store a list/string for each object

  1. #1
    Junior Member
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    Question store a list/string for each object

    Hi everyone,

    What im trying to do is add a list of scores to a object called member, only adding one score to the obect at a time, then i need to get the list, sum the values of the list, - 72*the length of the list, im having trouble with adding a list to the member object and hoping someone can help

    String strscore = AppTools.getUserInput(AppConstants.Get_course_score);
    //strmemscoreno = Integer.toString(memArrScore.size() + 1);
    //int[] strscore = new int[(AppConstants.MAX_SCORES_FIVE)];
    //int s = 1 + strscore.size();
    //String strMemberId = AppTools.getUserInput(AppConstants.GET_MEMBER_ID);
    int score = Integer.parseInt(strscore);
    int handicap = score - (AppConstants.Get_Handicap);
    if (handicap < 0){ 
    handicap  = 0;
    System.out.println("Your handicap is " + handicap);
    public int getlistScore() {
         return IntScore;
    public void setlistScore(int IntScore) {
         this.IntScore = IntScore;

  2. #2
    Super Moderator Norm's Avatar
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    Default Re: store a list/string for each object

    trouble with adding a list
    What kind of data is in this list? How to you want to access it?
    Do you know about Collection classes or are you supposed to use an array?

    Your code so far looks a bit of a mess. Where is your main class?
    Where is the member object defined? You'll need to define that so you can add the code for the list.
    Where do you get the numbers in the list? User input or from a file?

    You need to do some more thinking on your design before going on.

  3. #3
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    Default Re: store a list/string for each object

    what is a collection class, i have not covered that so far in my course, the code so far is about 700 lines and in 7 different classes, so I have just taken some snippets, the numbers are to be from user input, filtering through the list of existing members and requesting input from the user. all the code?

  4. #4
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    Default Re: store a list/string for each object

    It would help if you can explain more clearly what you are trying to achieve - do you want to add a number of individual scores to an object that will hold them in a list, or do you want to add a list of scores to the object in one go?

    If the former, create a class with an addScore method that takes the score as a parameter (int?) and adds it to a list member variable in the object. This could be an array or an ArrayList type. If you use an array, you'll need to declare it big enough to hold the maximum number of scores required, and have a count variable to keep track of the number of scores added - so you know where to insert the next one. You'll also need a variable to hold the size, so you can reject score additions when the array is full. If you use an ArrayList you don't need to track the number of items or the maximum size.

    If the latter, create a class with an addScores method that takes an array or ArrayList parameter and assigns it to an array or ArrayList member variable.

  5. #5
    Super Moderator Norm's Avatar
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    The Collections I refered to is a generic term for a group of classes that can be used to contain objects.There is an interface: Collections that is part of Sun's Collections Framework. That's probably past what your doing now. You need to look in the Java API to see the classes' definitions.

  6. #6
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    Smile Re: store a list/string for each object

    thanks dlorde, your comments helped out perfectly, all sorted, i was declaring my member as a object at the start of the class and therfore not letting it referance the object(member)

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