so im trying to write a program that tracks the stats of different soccer players. the program will create an object of player that holds the information of first name last name, points, assists, and penatly kick percentage. it will show the information, it will remove the player if needed or requested, it will save the information within the created arraylist to a file of the user decided name. it will quit just fine. the problem i have is when i try to create a new instance of the player object it just overwrites the first player object. now in our guidelines of the project it doesn't say how many players you have to have room for. i tried using an updateable counter of integer. but when you type in Player player (counter) = new Player (); it gives all kinds of errors. i even tried it with a string variable, same issue. i am not privy to the total number of players allowed to be entered or not. so aside from hard coding in 1,000,000 player objects with incrimenting names i have no clue how to allow it to update itself. any ideas?