package util;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.NoSuchElementException;
/*Author: D3158*/
* A <code>BinarySearchTree</code>(BST) implements the <code>BinarySearchTreeADT</code>
* interface, allowing <code>Comparable</code> objects to be inserted or
* removed. At all times, the tree is balanced (i.e. -1 <= balance factor <= 1
* at every node in the tree).
* <p>The <code>BinarySearchTree</code> has two constructors:
* <ul>
* <li>a default constructor</li>
* <li>a constructor that has a <code>Comparable</code> item as a parameter</li>
* </ul></p>
* <p>The public methods implement the <code>BinarySearchTreeADT</code> interface.</p>
* <p>The implementation of this class is the lab 4 assignment for COMP 139 students.</p>
public class BinarySearchTree implements BinarySearchTreeADT {
private static final String INDENT = " ";
private Node root; // The root of the BST.
* Create a blank String that consists of a set of indents.
* @param indent the number of indents.
* @return a String that contains 'indent' * INDENT.length() spaces.
private static String makeIndents(int indent) {
String result = "";
for (int i = 0; i < indent; i++) {
result = result + BinarySearchTree.INDENT;
return result;
public final void add(Comparable item) {
this.root = addIterative(item, this.root);
private Node addIterative(Comparable item, Node n) {
Node originalTree = n;
// If the tree is empty, just create a new tree with one node.
if (n == null) {
Node newNode = new Node();
newNode.item = item;
return newNode;
// Find the insertion point.
while (n != null) {
int compare = item.compareTo(n.item);
// Duplicate items are not allowed.
if (compare == 0) throw new DuplicateElementException();
// See if item belongs in the left subtree.
if (compare < 0) {
// If there is space then add a new node; otherwise,
// keep looking for space.
if (n.left == null) {
n.left = new Node();
n.left.item = item;
//break; // Node added, don't look any more
return balanceTree();
else n = n.left;
// The item must belong in the right subtree.
else {
// If there is space then add a new node; otherwise,
// keep looking for space.
if (n.right == null) {
n.right = new Node();
n.right.item = item;
//break; // Node added, don't look any more.
return balanceTree();
else n = n.right;
return originalTree;
private Node balanceTree(){
// Create a new node then use get getBalanceFactor to get balance rotation
// by calling left rotation, right rotation, left right rotation, left right
// rotation
if (root.getBalanceFactor()!= 2 && root.getBalanceFactor()!= 2) return root;
Node newRootHere = new Node();
if (root.getBalanceFactor() == -2 && root.left.getBalanceFactor()== -1) {
newRootHere = rightRotation(root, root.left);
if (root.getBalanceFactor()== 2 && root.right.getBalanceFactor()== 1) {
newRootHere = leftRotation(root, root.right);
if (root.getBalanceFactor()== 2 && root.right.getBalanceFactor()== -1) {
Node tempNode = rightRotation(root.right,root.right.left);
newRootHere = leftRotation(root, tempNode);
if (root.getBalanceFactor()== -2 && root.left.getBalanceFactor()== 1) {
newRootHere = leftRotation(root, root.left);
if (root.getBalanceFactor()== 2 && root.right.getBalanceFactor()== 0) {
newRootHere = leftRotation(root, root.right);
if (root.getBalanceFactor()== -2 && root.left.getBalanceFactor()== 0) {
newRootHere = rightRotation(root, root.left);
return newRootHere;
private Node leftRotation(Node oldRoot, Node newRoot){
// Pushes a node down and to the left to balance the tree.
// Right child replaces the old one to the new right child's
// left child and becomes it's right child
Node newroot = newRoot;
oldRoot.right = newroot.left;
newroot.left = oldRoot;
return newroot;
private Node rightRotation(Node oldRoot, Node newRoot){
// Pushes a node down and to the right to balance the tree.
// Left child replaces the old one to the new left child's
// right child and becomes it's left child
Node newroot = newRoot;
oldRoot.left = newroot.right;
newroot.right = oldRoot;
return newroot;
public Iterator<Comparable> iterator() /*throws ConcurrentModificationException,
UnsupportedOperationException*/ {
return new BinarySearchTreeIterator();
private final class BinarySearchTreeIterator implements Iterator<Comparable> {
private int root;
private BinarySearchTreeIterator() {
this.root = 0;
public boolean hasNext() {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Not supported yet.");
public Comparable next() {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Not supported yet.");
public void remove() {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Not supported yet.");
public String printTree() {
if (this.root == null) return "";
return "\n" + printTree(this.root, 0);
* Create a string representation for a subtree of a binary search tree.
* @param root the node at the root of the subtree.
* @param level the node level (in the entire tree) for the root of this subtree.
* @return a diagram, as a <code>String</code>, that represents this subtree.
private String printTree(Node root, int level) {
String result = "";
if (root.right != null) {
result = result + printTree(root.right, level + 1);
result = result + makeIndents(level) + root.item.toString() +
"(" + root.getBalanceFactor() + ")\n";
if (root.left != null) {
result = result + printTree(root.left, level + 1);
return result;
public void remove(Comparable item) {
//this.root = removeIterativeAlmost(item, this.root);
this.root = removeIterativeAlmost(item, this.root);
private Node removeIterativeAlmost(Comparable item, Node n) {
// Find the node that contains the item to be removed and
// the parent of that node.
Node parent = null;
Node toremove = n;
while (toremove != null) {
// Check to see if the item has been found.
int compare = item.compareTo(toremove.item);
if (compare == 0) break;
// If not found, look in the appropriate subtree.
parent = toremove;
if (compare < 0) toremove = toremove.left;
else toremove = toremove.right;
// Item was either found (toremove != null) or the item is not in the
// tree (toremove == null).
if (toremove == null) throw new NoSuchElementException();
// If the node to be removed has no more than one child
// then replace it with the other child.
if (toremove.left == null) {
replaceChildNodeInParent(parent, toremove, toremove.right);
return n;
if (toremove.right == null) {
replaceChildNodeInParent(parent, toremove, toremove.left);
return n;
// The node to remove has two children.
// 1. Find a replacemant value.
// 2. Replace the value in the node to remove.
// 3. Remove the node that contains the replacement value.
Comparable largest = findLargest(toremove.left);
toremove.item = largest;
toremove.left = removeIterativeAlmost(largest, toremove.left);
return n;
private void replaceChildNodeInParent(
Node parent, Node currentchild, Node newchild) {
if (parent == null) this.root = newchild;
else if (parent.left == currentchild) parent.left = newchild;
else parent.right = newchild;
* Find the largest value in the tree with 'n' as its root.
* @param n the root of the tree.
* @return the rightmost value in the tree.
private Comparable findLargest(Node n) {
while (n.right != null) {
n = n.right;
return n.item;
* Find the smallest value in the tree with 'n' as its root.
* @param n the root of the tree.
* @return the leftmost value in the tree.
private Comparable findSmallest(Node n) {
while (n.left != null) {
n = n.left;
return n.item;
* Define the data structure of a node in a balanced binary search tree.
private class Node {
private Comparable item; // The data item.
private Node left; // The root of the left subtree.
private Node right; // The root of the right subtree.
* Determine the balance factor for this node.
* @return the difference between the right height and the left height.
private int getBalanceFactor() {
// Note: This code needs to be replaced. It is here so that printTree()
// has a working getBalanceFactor() method to use.
//return -999;
int leftHeight = (left == null)?0:left.height();
int rightHeight = (right == null)?0:right.height();
return rightHeight - leftHeight;
private int height(){
int leftHeight = (left == null)?0:left.height();
int rightHeight = (right == null)?0:right.height();
return 1 + Math.max(leftHeight, rightHeight);