hi guys!
Thus anyone know how to put timer in bubble sort using javascript???
I am trying to make a timer for my sort but I can't make it. I don't know how to connect...
heres my work..
<html> <head> <title>sortBubble</title> </head> <script> <!-- Begin var myArray = new Array(102,201,3,517,77,345,68,234,8,9,4,517,6,0) function bubbleSort(ns,test) { ts=new Date(); j=0;i=0;//test='>' //alert(myArray) //ns = myArray // alert("Sorted array: \n"+ns) alert("time to sort =\n"+(ts)+" milliseconds") } // End --> </script> <body onLoad="bubbleSort(myArray,'<');"> </body> </html>