I'm an artist working on a web-based project, with below basic JAVA knowledge. I have permission to use this code in said project, but unfortunately the programmer who originally wrote it can't spare the time to adjust it for my specific needs. At the moment the code gets saved as a bookmarklet, then applies itself to your currently viewed webpage when the bookmarklet is clicked. I need to convert this code to be saved within a pages source code to take affect automatically, site wide, when the site is visited. Any help, or suggestions on where to find help solving this would be greatly appreciated. Thanks, Jonny.
javascriptfunction(){fcb=function(d){ktndata=d;var p=document.getElementsByTagName('img');for(var i in p){p[i].width=p[i].width;p[i].height=p[i].height;p[i].src=d.items[Math.floor(Math.random()*(d.items.length))].media.m;}};if(typeof ktndata=='undefined'){var jp=document.createElement('script');jp.setAttribut e('type','text/javascript'); jp.setAttribute('src','http://api.flickr.com/services/feeds/photos_public.gne?tags=kitten&tagmode=any&format=j son&jsoncallback=fcb'); document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0].appendChild(jp);} else{fcb(ktndata);}})()