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Thread: Need Help with While Loop Lab

  1. #1
    Junior Member
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    Default Need Help with While Loop Lab

    I am struggling with this program that wants to ask the user how many grades they wish to enter, have the user enter each grade, then determine the average of all the grades. I am stuck with getting the average to computer correctly... Can you guys check to see what I am missing in my code?

    int main()
        //No Local constants
        int counter = 0; //While Loop counter
        //Local variables
        int totalGrades; //Max number of loop executions
        int runningTotal; //Running total of loop counter
        int grade;
        int average; //Average of grades
              char endProgram; //Pause screen
        /*************** Begin main Function Executables *****************/
        //Clear the screen
        system ("cls");
        //Prompt user for number of grades they want to enter
        cout << "How many grades would you like to enter?   ";
        cin >> totalGrades;
       while (counter < totalGrades) //stop when counter equals value of totalGrades
             runningTotal = counter + grade;
             cout << "Please enter the next grade --->  ";
             cin >> grade;
             counter = counter + 1; // increase counter by 1
       } //end while loop
       average = runningTotal / totalGrades; //compute average
       cout << average << " is the average of the grades entered." << endl;
        //Pause to read output
        cout << "\n\n"; //skip 2 lines
        //Indicate to OS successful termination of program
        return 0;
    }//end main

  2. #2
    Administrator copeg's Avatar
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    Default Re: Need Help with While Loop Lab

    Please read the forum rules. Your duplicate post has been deleted.

  3. #3
    Junior Member
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    Default Re: Need Help with While Loop Lab

    Sorry about that... Can anybody help with this?

  4. #4
    Super Moderator Norm's Avatar
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    Default Re: Need Help with While Loop Lab

    The code you posted looks like C++.
    This is a java forum.
    If you don't understand my answer, don't ignore it, ask a question.

  5. #5
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    Default Re: Need Help with While Loop Lab

    Quote Originally Posted by LennDawg View Post
    Can you guys check to see what I am missing in my code?

    runningTotal = counter + grade;
    Why would you add the counter value to the grade here? Don't you want:

    runningTotal = runningTotal + grade;

    instead? Don't forget to initilize runningTotal to zero first also.
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