The php is not the client. It is a webservice the client uses to access the database because my webhost does not allow remote access to the database. The php code runs on the server, so it has local access to the database. I use the php webservices to allow my client to communicate with the database.
I have a table of transactions. The way it works (currently), is:
1. User 1 specifies that they would like to loan X amount of money to any other user. The loan information is then added to a database table.
2. User 2 comes along and decides they like the look of User 1's loan, so they accept it. The loan information in the database is updated.
3. User 1 then comes back, sees that User 2 would like to accept the loan. User 1 can then accept User 2's request, or reject it. If it is accepted, the loan information in the database is updated, and the funds are transferred from User 1 to User 2. Then, every "iteration" of the program/game/simulation (whatever it would be called), User 2 transfers a small amount back to User 1 (as payments) until the loan, plus interest, is paid off.
So I do have a table of transactions, but my main concern is getting those initial funds transferred after both parties have accepted (fake funds, obviously, I'm not playing around with real money). The things I've asked on this thread are all related to #3.