I used it briefly a few years back -
it was fun and quite amusing. If anyone is unsure what it is, basically the idea was you had to
invision a turtle under the control of a program. In one hand it held a pen, and the "room"
it was in had to be thought like using a two-dimensional array with rows and columns.
The premise was that you gave the turtle very basic commands such as GO UP
GO DOWN GO LEFT and GO RIGhT in the form of functions and input. You then
had to specify how many spaces it would move. You also had a function that would
control if the pen was up or down. If the pen was down, when the turtle moved it
would place a 1 in the location it had moved across. If it was up, it would place
a zero.
Ideally, the general premise was to create drawings using numerics. I found
it very entertaining a quite a light-hearted way to understand the most basic
concepts of structured programming. - Just thought i'd share
Wishes Ada xx