When I was first learning how to program, I used BASIC on the
old Acorn Computers (they barely had 250MB of RAM back then.
There were hardly any IDE's, C was around and C++ of course, but
it was not really mainstream for beginners back in the late 1980's
early 1990's. Anyway, did anyone use the BASIC language that
looked like this:
"F12" - begins BASIC
Type Auto for line numbers
10 REM============= 20 REM My first ever computer program 30 REM Written by Ada Skyla Rose 40 REM Prints hello 50 PRINT "Hello" 60 ENDPROC 70 END 80 RUN
If I remember correctly, REM stood for "remark" which was the
old term for a comment. I loved this language - and although it was
as 'basic' as could be, it was great just seeing something I created
come to life. Just though I would share
Wishes Ada xx