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Thread: javascript var if

  1. #1
    Junior Member ripley_2092's Avatar
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    Question javascript var if

    hey guys, need some help.

    I have the following

    var countrycode="ZA"
    //Rate per km (number)
    var rateperkm=20;
    //Minimum fare (number)

    var minimum_distance=30;
    //LESS THEN ZAR250//

    var minimum_fare=250;
    //Currrency Symbol
    var currencysymbol="ZAR";
    //Avoid motorways / highways? true/false
    var avoidHighways=false;
    //Avoid toll roads? true/false
    var avoidTolls=false;
    //Show summary? true/false
    var showsummary=false;
    //Show Route Map
    var showroutemap=true;
    //Disclaimer text

    how do I add a "var if" to the minimum distance?

    I tried this -> if (minimum_distance >400) rateperkm=10; {}

    which says if kms is greater then 400km then charge 10, instead of 20.

    but it doesnt work.

    any help would be appreciated.
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  2. #2
    Super Moderator Norm's Avatar
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    Default Re: javascript var if

    Javascript is not the same as java.
    If you don't understand my answer, don't ignore it, ask a question.

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