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Thread: Confused adding minimum order code in my cart.html. Can anyone help? Please

  1. #1
    Junior Member
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    Default Confused adding minimum order code in my cart.html. Can anyone help? Please

    I am trying to add code to set a minimum order when checking out prior to shipping.
    I can do it correctly on my test website since it uses bigcommerce shopping cart but the one I am trying to put code in on is a 3rd party one and not supportive of what I am doing.
    Where would I add the codes or what is the code I should be adding? Any help would be much appreciated.

    Here is what my cart.html without minimum code or message stating it has a minimum
    cart: true
    {{#partial "page"}}
    <div class="page">

    <main class="page-content" data-cart>
    {{> components/common/breadcrumbs breadcrumbs=breadcrumbs}}

    {{> components/cart/page-title}}

    <div data-cart-status>
    {{> components/cart/status-messages}}

    {{#if cart.items.length}}
    <div class="loadingOverlay"></div>

    <div data-cart-content>
    {{> components/cart/content}}

    <div data-cart-totals>
    {{> components/cart/totals}}

    {{#if cart.show_primary_checkout_button}}
    <div class="cart-actions">
    <a class="button button--primary" href="{{urls.checkout.single_address}}" title="{{lang 'cart.checkout.title'}}">{{lang 'cart.checkout.button'}}</a>
    {{#if cart.show_multiple_address_shipping}}
    <a class="checkoutMultiple" href="{{urls.checkout.multiple_address}}">
    {{lang 'cart.preview.checkout_multiple'}}
    <div class="cart-actions">
    <a class="button" href="{{urls.home}}" title="{{lang 'cart.continue_shopping'}}">{{lang 'cart.continue_shopping'}}</a>

    {{#if cart.additional_checkout_buttons}}
    <div class="cart-additionalCheckoutButtons">
    {{#each cart.additional_checkout_buttons}}
    <h3>{{lang 'cart.checkout.empty_cart'}}</h3>
    {{{ remote_api_scripts }}}

    {{{snippet 'cart'}}}
    {{> layout/base}}
    Last edited by purehobby; October 14th, 2019 at 04:08 PM.

  2. #2
    Super Moderator Norm's Avatar
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    Default Re: Confused adding minimum order code in my cart.html. Can anyone help? Please

    Moved from java programming section.
    If you don't understand my answer, don't ignore it, ask a question.

  3. #3
    Junior Member
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    Default Re: Confused adding minimum order code in my cart.html. Can anyone help? Please

    Sorry about that

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