To create a game where players must guess a random price, you can follow these steps:

Generate a random number for the price within a specified range.
Prompt the user to guess the price.
Compare the guess with the generated price:
If the guess is correct, display a success message.
If the guess is too high or too low, give feedback and allow the player to try again.
Here’s a simple example in JavaScript:

const randomPrice = Math.floor(Math.random() * 100) + 1; // Random number between 1 and 100
let guess = prompt("Guess the price between 1 and 100:");

while (parseInt(guess) !== randomPrice) {
if (parseInt(guess) < randomPrice) {
guess = prompt("Too low! Try again:");
} else {
guess = prompt("Too high! Try again:");

alert("Congratulations! You guessed the correct price.");
This code will keep asking the player to guess until they find the right price.