Hello everyone,
I was wondering if anyone is interested in helping me out change the code of a program that I wrote.
If you are interested please leave a message.
The project is a Sudoku board that the user enters numbers into it and then "solved" appears when the puzzle is complete. This is a piece of homework, and I tried to code most of it myself but after spending all my time and doing what I could, the marker says that arrays MUST be used. I know users like me who post homework questions are frowned upon but I wouldn't do this if I wasn't desperate
This should not take more than 2 hours and I will pay the programmer. Deadline is kind of short too but I have around a day to spare. I'm only taking Java as an elective so what I did already took ages so I can't imagine how long this would take for me
Have a look and let me know if you are willing to take on this project!
Thanks ><
Please help