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Thread: free tutoring for beginners

  1. #1
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    Default free tutoring for beginners

    Hi, i am trying to get better at communication skills. So i am willing to tutor any one who is new to java, algorithm, or GUI. And in return I don't expect anything.

  2. #2
    Member clarky2006's Avatar
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    Default Re: free tutoring for beginners

    Hi mate..I could do with help to design a library project..your help would be appreciated..thanks

    --- Update ---

    ps..Im very new to JAVA

  3. #3
    Super Moderator curmudgeon's Avatar
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    Default Re: free tutoring for beginners

    Just remember, you get what you paid for.

  4. #4
    Member clarky2006's Avatar
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    Default Re: free tutoring for beginners

    so do u reckon its possible? i ve done the basics like designing the book class, library class, loan class and the membership class. i ve also done some mutators and accessors. let me know and how much...cheers..

  5. #5
    Super Moderator jps's Avatar
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    Default Re: free tutoring for beginners

    how much...cheers..
    And in return I don't expect anything.

    so do u reckon its possible?
    Of course. Anything is possible, especially the impossible..

    i ve done the basics like designing the book class, library class, loan class and the membership class. i ve also done some mutators and accessors.
    Finish it yourself. Because:
    1) You will learn more
    2) You will know your project well and this will aid in troubleshooting
    3) You can maintain and modify the code more effectively
    4) If you have done so much already, why give the glory to someone else, that is the best part.

  6. The Following 2 Users Say Thank You to jps For This Useful Post:

    clarky2006 (November 7th, 2012), curmudgeon (November 7th, 2012)

  7. #6
    Member clarky2006's Avatar
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    Default Re: free tutoring for beginners

    Ye, i ve done a bit but it wont compile and i struggled with the arraylist

    --- Update ---

    its a Uni project done in BlueJ environment..thanx

    --- Update ---

    * Write a description of class Book here.
    * @author (Michael Clark)
    * @version (30th October 2012, version 0.1)
    public class Book
    // instance variables - replace the example below with your own
    private int id;
    private String author;
    private String title;
    private boolean isFiction;

    * Constructor for objects of class Book
    public Book(String title, String author, int id, boolean isFiction)
    // initialise instance variables
    this.id = 0;
    this.author = author;
    this.title = title;
    this.isFiction = false;

    * Get the name of the book Author.
    public String getAutor()
    // put your code here
    return this.author;

    * Get the book ID.
    public int getId()
    return this.id;

    * Get the book title.
    public String getTitle()
    return this.title;

    public void setAuthor(String authorName)
    author = authorName;

    public void setId(int bookId)
    id = bookId;

    public void setTitle(String bookTitle)
    title = bookTitle;

    Here is the book class..wont compile

    --- Update ---

    import java.util.ArrayList;
    * This Class would hold Membership details for the Library.
    * @author (Michael Clark)
    * @version (30th October 2012, version 0.1)
    public class Member
    // instance variables - These are member object attributes/fields
    private String firstName;
    private String lastName;
    private String phoneNumber;
    private int refNumber;

    * Constructor for objects of class Member
    public Member(String firstName, String lastName, String phoneNumber, int refNumber)
    this.firstName = firstName;
    this.lastName = lastName;
    this.phoneNumber = phoneNumber;
    this.refNumber = refNumber;


    * An example of a method - replace this comment with your own
    * @param y a sample parameter for a method
    * @return the sum of x and y
    public String getfirstName()
    return this.firstName;

    public String getlastName()
    return this.lastName;

    public String getPhoneNumber()
    return this.phoneNumber;

    public int getrefNumber()
    return this.refNumber;

    The membership class

    --- Update ---

    import java.util.ArrayList;

    * This is a model of a Library class.
    * @author (Michael Clark)
    * @version (30th October 2012, version 0.1)
    public class Library
    // instance variables - replace the example below with your own
    private ArrayList<Membership> member;
    private ArrayList<Book> books;

    * Constructor for objects of class Library
    public Library(Membership member)
    // initialise instance variables
    members = new ArrayList<Membership>();
    books = new ArrayList<Book>();

    * An example of a method - replace this comment with your own
    * @param y a sample parameter for a method
    * @return the sum of x and y
    public int sampleMethod(int y)


    The library class

    --- Update ---

    * Write a description of class Loan here.
    * @author (Michael Clark)
    * @version (30th October 2012, version 0.1)
    public class Loan
    // instance variables - replace the example below with your own
    private int x;

    * Constructor for objects of class Loan
    public Loan()
    // initialise instance variables
    x = 0;

    * An example of a method - replace this comment with your own
    * @param y a sample parameter for a method
    * @return the sum of x and y
    public int sampleMethod(int y)
    // put your code here
    return x +

    this is just a template for the loan class

  8. #7
    Super Moderator curmudgeon's Avatar
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    Default Re: free tutoring for beginners

    clarky, your question is important, so give it its own separate thread/question rather than hijacking hwoarang69's thread. Also, when you do re-ask your question in its own thread, please 1) put [code=java] [/code] tags around your code so that it retains its formatting and is readable, and please 2) show the compilation errors, and indicate by comment in the code which line is causing the compilation errors. Best of luck!

  9. The Following User Says Thank You to curmudgeon For This Useful Post:

    Admin (November 8th, 2012)

  10. #8
    Member clarky2006's Avatar
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    Default Re: free tutoring for beginners

    cheers mate, i know wot u mean now, i only joined last night..

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