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Thread: create some fake users on server

  1. #1
    Junior Member
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    Default create some fake users on server


    I have NO understanding with coding unfortunately and
    I have to create some fake users on server and also create a stream for them with videos for my webcam chat web site
    could please someone help me?

    thank you

  2. #2
    mmm.. coffee JavaPF's Avatar
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    Default Re: create some fake users on server

    Hello nakres, welcome to the forums.

    We will need more information regarding this project.
    When you say users on the server, is the server Windows or Unix?
    Do you mean create actual user accounts or is this something to do with users on your web site?

    Please provide us with as much information as possible.
    Please use [highlight=Java] code [/highlight] tags when posting your code.
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