Dear all members please join the discussion, I'm facing problem to make java desktop application to mobile application, what should I follow ??
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Dear all members please join the discussion, I'm facing problem to make java desktop application to mobile application, what should I follow ??
What sort of problems? In the case of Android development, you cannot use all the same libraries that you use in a desktop application.
My solution to porting between desktop and Android has been to create:
1. a desktop user interface
2. an Android user interface
3. A shared functionality library which contains all of the program's main functionality. This library is then used by both the desktop and android interfaces. When making this library, you need to make sure you don't use any classes that android cannot use.
The reason I do it that way is because it reduces the cost of development. Since the library is shared by both interfaces, you don't need to rewrite the functionality code for each platform. Furthermore, if there is a bug in the functionality code, you only need to fix it in the shared library once, and then you can redeploy the desktop and android applications with the new library at the same time.
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GregBrannon (August 23rd, 2013)